Diamantopoulou changes the balance… 2024-07-23 17:16:56

This was evident from the first day, when, mainly, Androulakis, Doukas and Geroulanos, but also the other candidates, showed that they were adjusting their rhetoric and plans.

“Everyone will be judged for their contribution and consistency by the world of the faction”, said Nikos Androulakis, to remind that Anna Diamantopoulou was out of PASOK for years. “The parties have principles and values, the parties are not a center for passers-by, for someone to leave, go across and then come back as if nothing happened,” said Michalis Katrinis, who also said that “PASOK does not is she ever going to cooperate with the ND”, implying that Anna Diamantopoulou is close to the positions of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. “I never left PASOK and my place, I was always in front of the most difficult moments, without changing either to the right or to the left”, said Nadia Giannakopoulou, to hit Anna Diamantopoulou as well, but also those ” they flirted” at some point with SYRIZA.

The candidacy of Anna Diamantopoulou has already brought back to the fore the thorny debate for PASOK about political orientation and the dilemma “Centre or Center Left?”.

The experienced politician, ex-prefect, ex-minister and ex-commissioner, tries to answer what is being attributed to her with the argument that she does not consider collaborations as the next step, she wants an “autonomous and governing PASOK” and addresses all PASOK voters, even those who in some elections or the previous ones voted N.D. or SYRIZA.

He doesn’t do it by accident. Information indicates that polls she has in her hands and which she consulted before announcing her decision indicate that among PASOK voters she is considered more “prime ministerial” compared to her fellow candidates, while cooperation with SYRIZA is also not recorded as a popular choice. However, according to these polls, she is considered politically close to Kyriakos Mitsotakis and this is something to be seen, although her associates consider her profile a “weapon” to repatriate to PASOK voters who in the last two national elections voted for him Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

It is, therefore, certain that Anna Diamantopoulou’s candidacy will “shuffle the deck” and it is not excluded that she will expand the basis of participation in the electoral process, something that Nikos Androulakis certainly does not want, and perhaps her other co-candidates.

For analysts, the opening of the process will give some candidates second thoughts, while sparking new alliances.

For transparency

The first sample of writing for Mrs. Diamantopoulou was – after the announcement of her candidacy – her proposal for the participation of judicial representatives in the internal party elections, which brought great disturbance.

Mainly, because it was an indirect peak for the transparency of internal party elections from 2004 onwards, when the president of PASOK is elected from the grassroots.

Her co-candidates were embarrassed, but information from Sunday’s Free Press reports that – barring a shocking unforeseen event – her proposal, which had previously been made by the generally accepted constitutionalist Nikos Alivizatos, will be accepted. Even if volunteer lawyers-members of PASOK are “recruited”.

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#Diamantopoulou #balance..



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