Finally, prescriptions and contracts with EOPYY for those doctors who do not cover gaps in the NHS – 2024-07-23 17:09:51

The Ministry of Health is taking drastic measures to staff public hospitals with doctors, as the Mental Health Bill that is being voted on in the Parliament included arrangements for the staffing of the 15 hospitals with “barren” notices.

With deprivation of the right to electronic prescription and termination of contracts with EOPYY the private doctors who do not respond to the government’s call to staff the NHS are at risk, in the 15 hospitals that announce tenders to fill the vacant positions and the tenders come out “barren”.

In a provision included in the Mental Health Bill clearly describe the sanctions for doctors who will not “back off”, as requested by the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, on Tuesday (22.07.2024).

More specifically, in article 65 of the bill on Mental Health it is provided that the doctors contracted with EOPYY must cover the vacancies in Hospitals if they are asked, in case of refusal, however, their contract will be terminated. At the same time, it is planned to remove the right to electronic prescription to private doctors who will refuse to assist on-calls at the National Health Service.

The provision of these services is done on a part-time basis, since the announcements to fill the positions have been fruitless, the expressions of interest of private doctors to fill the vacant positions have been fruitless and after a prior recommendation of the relevant medical association has been requested, which must be submitted to the competent HYPE within an exclusive period of three working days.

This possibility can be extended to private doctors who have joined the System Electronic Prescribing of the anonymous company with the name “Electronic Social Security Administration” (H.D.I.K.A. S.A.) and they prescribe medicines and tests that are reimbursed by the EOPYY, only if they do not those contracted with E.O.P.Y.Y. are sufficient. doctors to cover the above deficiencies”.

Regarding the exclusion from the electronic prescription system, the following are clarified:

“If those contracted with E.O.P.Y.Y. private providers or private doctors refuse to provide services, their contract with E.O.P.Y.Y. is terminated. In addition, to private doctors who refuse to provide services pursuant to the above paragraphs, whether they are contracted with the E.O.P.Y.Y. or not, access to the Electronic Prescription System (ESS) of the anonymous company with the name “Electronic Social Security Administration” (H.D.I.K.A. S.A.) is excluded.

Generous financial incentives for doctors who will join the NHS

The Ministry of Health clarifies that the help that doctors will need to provide to the system will only be for a few months, until the new measures for notices pay off and attract doctors to work in the NHS.

In particular, generous financial incentives are given for barren areas and specialties with little interest. In more detail, with article 62 of the bill on Mental Health, a pending issue is closed in order to issue the Joint Ministerial Decision (JMA) which will expand the criteria for characterizing barren areas, at the same time increasing the salaries of the doctors who staff the local structures of YOU.

The article amends an earlier provision so that the amount granted to doctors who will serve in hospitals in these areas can be increased by 300 euros in barren areas A’ and by 200 euros in barren areas B’ per month. The proposal of the Ministry of Health is that these amounts be doubled for six “barren” medical specialties (internal pathology, anesthesiology, nephrology, pathological anatomical radiology, medical biology and laboratory medicine).

The bill is expected to be passed this week and the Joint Ministerial Decision (JMA) to be published in the Government Gazette by August 15th.

By Gianna Soulaki / Source:

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#Finally #prescriptions #contracts #EOPYY #doctors #cover #gaps #NHS



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