He revealed the countries from which labor immigrants come to Lithuania the most | Business

This year, more pronounced changes are recorded in the geography of the countries from which people come to work. The number of Russians who arrived grew the least – only 26 people started working in Lithuania. The number of working Ukrainians has not changed much either – it has grown by 1.7 thousand. And here the Belarusian labor market increased by a tenth – 4.3 thousand.

However, the changes are most reflected in the statistics of citizens who came from Asia and Africa. The number of Indian citizens working in the country increased even two and a half times – 2.5 thousand of them arrived during the year.

The number of Uzbeks almost doubled – the market was filled with 3.4 thousand people. of new workers, Tajiks and Azerbaijanis – one and a half times and increased respectively – 1.9 thousand. and 1.5 thousand

For the first time, citizens of Zimbabwe and Bangladesh entered the TOP20 of the most employed third-country nationals. July 1 according to data, more than 200 Zimbabwean citizens work in Lithuania, while a year ago their number was less than ten. Most of them are truck drivers who got a job in Kaunas. There are already 300 Bangladeshi nationals working in the country, compared to half a dozen a year ago. Most of them are welders working in Klaipėda companies.

“Many countries face a shortage of workers due to an aging population, which is why labor migration is becoming more and more active. Lithuania is no exception. “Foreigners usually fill the gaps in occupations with missing qualifications and help solve the problems of labor market imbalance,” emphasized Jurgita Zemblytė, Head of the Monitoring and Analysis Department of the Employment Service.

She pointed out that the most popular jobs of third-country nationals in Lithuania are also included in the lists of missing professions in many European countries. Last year, nineteen countries recorded a shortage of drivers of heavy trucks and cargo vehicles, twenty one of welders, seventeen of metal construction preparers and installers, twelve of concrete workers, sixteen of cooks and electricians, and twelve of concrete workers.

Lithuanian society is interested in more and more working Africans. The number of arrivals from Africa now reaches 1.4 thousand. – they have citizenships of 40 countries of this continent. The number of Africans increased by 600 during the year – 800 of them worked last year. The largest number of immigrants in the labor market came from Nigeria – this year – 330, last year – 266. Also from Zimbabwe (216), Cameroon (179), Egypt (175), Morocco (134), Ghana (95 ), Algeria (39), Kenya (35), Tunisia (28), Eritrea (21), South Africa (20).

Most of them work in medium-skilled jobs (52%), highly qualified – 29%, unskilled – 19%. Most of the workers from Africa are in Vilnius and Kaunas.

Africans are mostly employed as drivers of international freight transport vehicles (224), customer contact center information clerks (86), fast food workers (24), financial analysts (20), organizational and methods analysts (19), technical sales representatives (11) ), kitchen workers (11), logistics specialists-managers (11).

According to J.Zemblytė, foreigners usually supplement the local labor force or occupy jobs that local residents do not choose due to poorer working conditions and low wages: “They are also employed because local residents do not have the necessary competences, for example, expansion to foreign countries requires sales managers who speak the relevant languages ​​and know the peculiarities of local markets. In Lithuania, there are enough people who want to work as advertising, sales and marketing specialists, but a thousand citizens of third countries are employed for such work”.

July 1 half of third-country nationals employed in Lithuania (74.1 thousand) worked in transport and storage companies. About one-sixth (24 thousand) in the construction sector, one-tenth (14.5 thousand) in manufacturing. 5.9 thousand people were employed in the information and communication sector. citizens of third countries, accommodation and catering services – 5.4 thousand.

In all sectors, except for information and communication and transport and storage, the labor market is dominated by Ukrainians. In the information and communication and transport sectors, the majority are Belarusians. In the ITR sector, Belarusians make up 63.9 percent. of non-EU citizens working here, transport – 47.2 percent.

The largest number of third-country nationals in the country work in medium-skilled jobs (117.3 thousand or 84.8 percent), of which the majority are employed as drivers and operators of mobile equipment, operators of stationary equipment and machines, assemblers (77 thousand).

The share of highly qualified employees is less than one tenth (13.1 thousand) of third-country nationals working under employment contracts. Of them – 2 thousand. holds managerial positions, 9.5 thousand working as specialists, 1.6 thousand – technicians and junior specialists. 7.9 thousand people work in unskilled jobs. foreigners

#revealed #countries #labor #immigrants #Lithuania #Business
2024-07-23 16:20:57



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