Shaken after burglary – now she takes the consequences

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Here, thieves – probably using a truck with a crane – have stolen five tonnes of alloy wheels, 1600 kilos of copper cables and 600 kilos of lead.

– I have to admit that I was somewhat shaken. It’s the biggest break-in we’ve had in the time I’ve been running a product trade here in Bindslev. In fact, we have been spared burglaries of this type all these years, says a still shaken Dorte Andersen, who feels completely knocked out by the burglary.

In fact, there have only been two burglaries in the past – one in the office and one many years ago where a car drove straight through the fence to the product area, but nothing was stolen.

– He was caught in the act because someone drove past on the road and saw it. When the office was broken into, the thieves ran off with a cash register, but it was nowhere near as bad as this, says the owner of the produce store.

Dorte Andersen is shaken by the break-in.
Photo: Lars Pauli

As soon as she discovered the break-in, she placed things around the square so that thieves cannot get around the square with larger vehicles.

Dorte Andersen – like the copper cables and lead – bought the many aluminum rims as scrap and stored them in a container.

She is in doubt as to whether the thieves had a truck inside the site, or whether they drove to and from the site several times during the night to Monday.

On the other hand, Dorte Andersen is sure that these are thieves who knew what they were after.

– They have gone after what is most valuable. They have taken the expensive copper cables and left the aluminum cables. In fact, it could easily be someone I’ve seen before, because they’ve definitely been in here to snoop around. It’s a bit creepy, I’m very affected by it, says the owner of the produce store, who estimates the stolen value at around DKK 100,000.

Dorte Andersen is now installing video surveillance on the site.
Photo: Lars Pauli

Immediately after she discovered the break-in and reported it to the police, she installed a surveillance camera that could monitor the place where she stores her metals. And now potential thieves need to beware.

– I am in the process of installing a definite video surveillance of the entire site.

In addition to dealing in scrap metal, Dorte Andersen also deals in so-called utility iron: h-beams, profiled iron, flat iron and other types of iron for use by blacksmiths and in the iron industry.

The thieves knew what they were after.
Photo: Lars Pauli

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2024-07-23 12:42:15
#Shaken #burglary #takes #consequences



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