Weather, the cold drop unleashes thunderstorms. But the respite from the heat is only temporary –

Week that begins with a cold drop in transit over the central Mediterranean, which brings an increase in instability in Italy. The next few hours will see scattered showers and thunderstorms especially over the regions of Central-South, where we will also have a slight drop in temperatures. Over the next few days, high pressure will quickly tend to rise over the western sectors of the continent, also extending towards the Mediterranean. Drier weather even if with some showers or afternoon thunderstorms always possible, especially over the Alps and Apennines. Temperatures that in the next few days will be slightly lower but still at average values ​​or slightly above. Latest updates from the Italian Weather Center which then show a further strengthening of the anticyclone between the last weekend of July and the following week with increasing heat.

Bad weather and rain all over Italy. But Sottocorona has some very bad news

Weather forecast for today in the north: stable weather conditions in the morning on all sectors with clear or partly cloudy skies everywhere, isolated rains on the eastern Alps. In the afternoon increasing instability with scattered showers and thunderstorms on the central-eastern Alps, no changes elsewhere. In the evening and night instability extending to the north-eastern plains with the possibility of scattered precipitation. In the center: scattered precipitation in the morning on Lazio, Marche and Abruzzo, partly cloudy elsewhere. In the afternoon increasing instability on the Apennine areas and on the plains of Lazio, Umbria and Marche. In the evening generally improving weather with clear or partly cloudy skies.

But what a seasonal break: the heat does not leave Italy, the scorching dates

In the south and on the islands: stable weather in the morning with irregularly cloudy skies over Campania, Molise and western Sicily; isolated showers expected in Sardinia. In the afternoon unstable with showers and thunderstorms in the peninsular regions, large spaces of clear skies on the major islands. In the evening and night bad weather conditions will be renewed with rain between Campania, Puglia and Calabria, dry variability elsewhere. Minimum temperatures generally rising; maximum temperatures stable or falling in the center-south and increasing in the north.

#Weather #cold #drop #unleashes #thunderstorms #respite #heat #temporary #Tempo
2024-07-23 12:59:07



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