Conservative politician wants to remove the loan ceiling –

Conservative politician wants to remove the loan ceiling –

– I want the finance minister’s foot off the brake pedal now that we are going downhill. The lending regulations must be adapted to the current situation, says Vamraak, former state secretary for the Conservative Party in the Ministry of Finance, to Today’s business.

He has sent a proposal to the Conservative Party’s program committee to remove the regulation, which sets limits on how much you can get in a mortgage, including through an equity requirement.

It was introduced in 2015.

– It is adapted to a situation with violent price growth for housing and easy access to loans. We are no longer there. We see that house prices are flat and lending growth is lower than wage growth, says Vamraak.

Finanstilsynet is currently working on new advice to the government on whether the lending regulations should be extended or changed. These must be ready by 23 August.

The Labor Party’s housing policy spokesperson, Siri Gåsemyr Staalesen, will await the recommendations from the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. She is not positive about removing the regulation now.

– If we simply remove the lending regulations, it means that young first-time buyers can borrow more, but it does not lead to more homes or more people entering the market. It only means that people can bid more, she tells the newspaper.

#Conservative #politician #remove #loan #ceiling
2024-07-23 12:29:41



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