Nipah: Long-term preventive measures needed

2024-07-22 23:31:04

Kerala has been under Nipah control for the past seven years. Intermittent Nipah outbreaks are a cause for concern. The student from Malappuram Pandikkad was the last person to succumb to Nippa’s death. The presence of Nipah virus has been detected in Kerala since 2018, but the exact source is unknown. But while 17 people died in the 2018 outbreak, only four died in the subsequent Nipah outbreak. This can be said to be our achievement in early detection and control of the spread of diseases.

The way nipa comes
The virus was named Nipah because it was first discovered in Kapung Supai Nipah, Malaysia. Fruit bats are carriers of the virus. In addition to Malaysia, the epidemic has also spread in Bangladesh.

The scientific community believes that the viruses from these two places are different genetic lineages. The situation in Kerala is comparable to that of Bengal. Infected people have similar symptoms and exposure times. The incubation period ranges from 6 to 14 days, but the average incubation period in Bengal and Kerala is 9.5 days.

In 1999, the disease was found to be spreading in Malaysia from a pig farm near a bat colony. Many people died here from brain swelling. Japanese encephalitis, a mosquito-borne disease, was initially suspected.

Half of infected people in Bangladesh were found to have ingested raw palm sap from plants that interacted with bats. Nipah virus was confirmed in Siliguri, West Bengal in 2001 and in Nadia, West Bengal in 2007. Many deaths also occurred.

Sabit, a native of Perampra Changaroth, died of Nipah disease in Kerala in May 2018. Nipah was diagnosed for the first time in Kerala after Thabit’s family members were rushed to the hospital in critical condition. The next day, Thabit’s brother Swalih, father Moussa and sister Mariam passed away.

Sabis received primary treatment from the Perampra Govt. Lini, a nurse at the hospital, also died. Later, about 13 contacts of Med. died in academic hospitals and other places. A total of 17 people died from Nipah virus in 2018. Happily, however, two people, including a medical student, left the hospital this season without Nipah.

In 2018, all but one of the Nipah virus deaths were confirmed to have contracted the disease through close contact with a patient. However, there is currently no clear information on the infection status of Mohammed Thabit, who first contracted the disease. No presence of nipa was detected among the bats found in his well.

In 2019, Nippa appeared again in Ernakulam. A 23-year-old engineering student from Palavur recovered after 54 days. It was inferred from this that the student got sick after eating guava. In 2021, a 12-year-old boy died of Nipah disease in Chathamangalam panchayat, Kozhikode. The disease is believed to be spread by rambutan eaten by children. In 2023, two more people died of Nipah virus in Ayancheri and Maruthonkara in Kozhikode district, aged 40 and 45 years respectively.

How many species of bats are there?
Although Nipah virus is transmitted through fruit bats, bats are not infected with Nipah virus. Transmitted to animals and humans through bat secretions and can cause death. Researchers found that of the 129 bat species found in India, 48 are found in the state. There are two main types of bats. Fruit bats and insectivores that eat insects. The frugivorous bats themselves can be divided into two categories: frugivorous bats and nectar-drinking bats. Fruit bats travel 25 to 50 kilometers every day in search of food. We will return to the old base later. Fruit bats are the most common species.

Not doing research intensive?
As Nipah virus was notified, a team of experts from the National Institute of Virology, Pune and ICMR arrived in Kerala to put an end to concerns, but the question is whether preventive activities and research on Nipah virus will be sustained in the long term.

Diseases and Treatments
Symptoms of Nipah virus include fever, headache, fainting, seizures, behavioral changes, cough and shortness of breath. Diarrhea and vomiting sometimes occur. Throat and nasal secretions, blood, and urine may be examined for diagnosis. In fact, there is no specific drug for this disease. Treatment is with antiviral drugs such as ribavirin, favipiravir, and remdesivir. Monoclonal antibodies are also used.

#Nipah #Longterm #preventive #measures #needed



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