Educator: Mark should thank the state for the maternity leave he doesn’t want to take right now

I don’t know if it is Knudsen’s understanding of his parental role, or his liberal ideology, that overshadows the lack of understanding of maternity rules.

When you have a child, you are no longer the most important person in your life!

As parents, you have a responsibility for the child you have brought into the world.

A child cannot manage himself, he must have support and role models in the family, so that the child can acquire knowledge, norms and values.

In that context, it is important that BOTH parents have a close emotional relationship with the child.

Because the goal of upbringing and education is for the child to become self-governing, so that he can participate in the community that a society is.

New security person

There are many families who have had the following experience: During a period in early childhood, the child chooses that only the mother can be allowed to help and be a caregiver for the child, also called “mother sick”.

This happens because, through breastfeeding and childbirth, an attachment to the mother has been created, which makes her a person of security.

The new maternity rules give the father the same opportunity to establish a close emotional relationship, via maternity leave with the child and, for example, through baby swimming, baby gymnastics etc.

In this way, the child gets both parents as security persons.

Psychologists today also talk about “fatal illness”.

Mark Hellerup Knudsen talks about his position on the maternity rules and links them to his political position as a member of the Liberal Alliance

– I honestly feel it as coercion when we, as a family, have no longer decided that it is precisely now that I must spend time with my daughter. It will be a yoke over everything, he says.

Liberal values ​​do not last

I am extremely happy that we live in a society where you have a maternity law, where society takes the child’s perspective and thus the child’s best interests.

From the child’s point of view, it is important at an early age to have a close emotional relationship with both parents, because then the child has two caregivers with whom he has the fundamental sense of security and who provide the child with the best conditions for development.

The liberal values ​​of freedom and “the individual must be the forge of his own luck” do not work in this context.

Thank the state, Mark Hellerup Knudsen, for the fact that in Denmark we have maternity rules that meet your child’s needs.

I hope you have a lovely maternity leave with lots of quality time with your daughter so you can have a lovely loving relationship.

The interests of the child come before the liberal values ​​of freedom. So while I know it’s hard for someone who is a liberal to thank the state, you should do it.

2024-07-22 16:20:10
#Educator #Mark #state #maternity #leave #doesnt



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