Detenido Néstor Soto, el principal sospechoso del asesinato de la influencer Catalina Gutiérrez: Un caso que conmueve a Córdoba

As the investigation progresses, Néstor Soto remains detained at the Bouwer prison and is the main suspect in the murder of Catalina Gutiérrez, the young influencer from Córdoba.

This Monday, attorney Gastón Schönfeld took on the role of defense lawyer for the accused and, after officially declaring his representation to the prosecution, provided details regarding Soto’s condition. “He is very remorseful,” he stated.

Read also: The chilling phrase that Néstor Soto told Catalina Gutiérrez’s parents minutes after the murder

“He appeared very remorseful and entrusted us with assuming his defense. He is in a state of shock, very distressed,” he emphasized during a conversation with Noticiero Doce after meeting with him this morning.

Now, they await the determination of the prosecutor in charge, José Mana, regarding the possible change of charges. So far, Soto is charged with simple homicide, and the offense could be aggravated to qualified homicide due to premeditation and gender-based violence. If he is indeed convicted, he will receive a life sentence. In that sense, he specified: “The prosecution informed us that they are analyzing the case. Based on the information they have, they will verify what the applicable charge is, whether it will be modified or not.”

Meanwhile, he mentioned that Soto’s mother traveled after learning what had happened: “She is in a condition similar to or worse than Néstor. She is a woman who lives in San Carlos de Bariloche and traveled because her son contacted her and gave her the sad news.”

Regarding other possible individuals involved in the femicide, Schönfeld indicated that it has not been determined whether his client acted alone or with accomplices. This Tuesday, Soto will be questioned again by the authorities.

Who is Néstor Soto, the alleged murderer of Catalina Gutiérrez

Soto, known by his close friends as “Nuni,” was originally from Bariloche and, in 2021, he reportedly moved to the city of Córdoba to begin studying Architecture at university.

The 21-year-old accused was a classmate of Catalina at the National University of Córdoba (UNC) and they shared the same group of friends, but apparently he was also obsessed with her and was jealous, even though the young woman had a boyfriend.

The murdered young woman was 21 years old. (Photo: Instagram – @cata.gutierrez)

After she was found dead, Soto went to testify before the authorities as just another friend of the victim and ended up being detained.

“As the declaration unfolded, he contradicted himself, and at one point he confessed that he killed her,” detailed a source close to the investigation in a conversation with El Doce. Later, he stated that she was “the love of his life” and admitted to what he had done.



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