Politicians worldwide pay respect to Biden after withdrawal

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked Biden for his “steadfast support,” British Prime Minister Keir Starmer expressed his respect for Biden, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pointed to the close transatlantic cooperation that Biden has brought about. The Kremlin wants to “closely monitor” the new situation.

Biden has responded to challenging times with bold steps and we respect his difficult decision not to run for re-election, Zelenskyj wrote on X. “We will always be grateful for President Biden’s leadership. He has supported our country during the most dramatic moments in history,” the president said. We hope that America’s strong leadership will continue to help ensure that the “evil from Russia” does not succeed. The USA is Ukraine’s strongest supporter against the Russian war of aggression that has been going on since February 2022.

Russia: “We have to watch what happens”

According to a spokesman, the Kremlin will “closely monitor” the situation after Biden’s withdrawal. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin had classified Biden as a predictable candidate who was preferable for Russia. But: “The election is still four months away, and that is a long time in which a lot can change,” said Peskov, referring to the US election in November. “We have to be patient and watch closely what happens next.” Russia’s priority is to achieve the goals of the war of aggression against Ukraine.

According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Biden’s decision deserves respect. “My friend @POTUS Joe Biden has achieved a lot: for his country, for Europe, for the world,” Scholz wrote on Platform X. “Thanks to him, transatlantic cooperation is close, NATO is strong, the USA is a good and reliable partner for us. His decision not to run again deserves recognition.” German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) said of Biden’s withdrawal: “Half a century for democracy, for the country, for the people – US President Joe Biden has put himself and all his strength at the service of democratic institutions and fought for them. His decision fills me with deep respect.”

“Decision of a statesman”

“Dear President Joe Biden, you have often made difficult decisions that have made Poland, America and the world safer and democracy and freedom stronger,” wrote Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on X. He is convinced that Biden was also guided by this in his current decision. “This is undoubtedly the decision of a statesman who has served his country for decades,” wrote Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala on X.

“True ally of the Jewish people”

Israel’s President Yitzhak Herzog wrote on X: “I want to express my deepest gratitude to @POTUS.” He was the first US president to visit Israel during wartime. “And as a true ally of the Jewish people, he is a symbol of the unbreakable bonds between our two peoples.”

“The Australia-US alliance has never been stronger as we share a commitment to democratic values, international security, economic prosperity and climate action for this and future generations,” Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wrote on Platform X.

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon also paid tribute to Biden for his decision. “President Biden has dedicated his life to public service, and that deserves great respect,” Luxon wrote on X.

“Enjoy your retirement, Mr. President”

Italian Deputy Prime Minister and head of Italy’s right-wing ruling party Lega, Matteo Salvini, welcomes US President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw as the Democratic presidential candidate. “Biden, whom the great Donald Trump called the ‘worst US president in history,’ has finally announced his withdrawal from the race for the White House,” Salvini said on Facebook.

Austrian politicians reacted differently to Biden’s withdrawal from the US presidential race. “Enjoy your retirement, Mr. President,” wrote FPÖ delegation leader Harald Vilimsky on X. The SPÖ delegation leader in the European Parliament, Andreas Schieder, on the other hand, paid him respect. “President Biden was a good president with many important laws. Now he is showing true greatness and insight. The presidential race is open again,” wrote Schieder on X.

NEOS delegation leader Helmut Brandstätter praised Biden as a responsible statesman and warned against Trump. “We need to take our European security more into our own hands,” Brandstätter wrote in a press release. “Trump has repeatedly announced that he has no interest in Europe and dreams of ending Putin’s war of aggression in 24 hours. Trump would be a threat to Europe’s security and thus to Austria’s security.” In view of the situation in the USA, Austria finally needs a new security strategy in which Russia is no longer an “essential” partner, said Brandstätter.


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