Tax: All payments we have to make until the end of the month – 2024-07-22 22:10:52

Payment month is February for hundreds of thousands of taxpayers, as in addition to the payments they will have to make until February 29 for the income taxhim LIGHTthe traffic fees they will also have to arrange a number of pending taxes.

Alongside the deadline expires for those who want to immobilize their vehicles but also for couples who wish to submit a separate tax return.

They should go into the state coffers over 2 billion euros for income tax, ENFIA and traffic taxes by closing the outstandings of 2023, to cover the installments for the debt settlements as well as the refundable advance payment.

In particular, the “open” accounts with the tax office include:

  • The last installment of income tax natural persons 2023 for a total amount of 410 million euros.
  • The last installment of corporate income tax 2023 for a total of 285 million euros.
  • The last installment of ENFIA 2023 with the amount reaching 250 million euros.
  • The 2024 road tax which in total reach 1.206 billion euros, although the largest amount has been collected.
  • Doses for refundable deposit and debt installment arrangements

The time also counts down and ends at the end of the month for:

*The digital registration of license plates: Car owners have the ability to immobilize their vehicles with a few clicks from their computer or even their mobile phone. Those who digitally file their car number plates will be able to get them back from April as monthly registration fees will be due before Easter. Taxpayers who choose to immobilize their vehicle until the end of the month and decide to put it back on the road in April and keep it until the end of the year will have to pay 9/12 of the annual amount, earning 25% discount on annual traffic fees.

*Submitting an application for a separate declaration of spouses: Married taxpayers can notify their choice to submit a separate income tax return of spouses for the tax year 2023 until February 28, 2024. After this deadline it is not possible to revoke the choice to submit a separate return. Spouses, before choosing to go their separate ways for the tax office, should know that in the separate declarations of spouses there is no concept of family income to cover the presumptions of each of the spouses, as the presumptions of living and acquisition are borne by each spouse individually . Also, it is not possible to cover presumptions with the consumption of capital, from the other spouse’s income.

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#Tax #payments #month



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