Staying on a fixed contract can lead to significant extra costs on your gas and electricity bill: here’s why

Electricity and gas prices in July are stable or even slightly decreasing. For our month-to-month comparisons, we utilize the comparator from Cwape, the Walloon energy regulator, and select the most affordable offers.

Group purchases are more economical

To illustrate, we consider the bill of a household in Namur consuming 3,500 kWh of electricity (1,600 kWh during peak hours and 1,900 kWh during off-peak hours), which represents the average consumption for a household. Additionally, the household uses 23,260 kWh of gas, which is considered high consumption. Two notable observations arise when comparing consecutive months (specifically, June prices): first, the number of available offers is increasing, and second, whether through fixed or variable contracts, group purchases consistently offer the lowest prices, with one exception. This is the intended outcome, and it is evident that it is successful.

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Read also

Savings on your energy bill? Save hundreds of euros with group purchasing

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Electricity and Gas Prices in Belgium: Updates for July 2024

As we approach July 2024, significant changes are unfolding in the energy markets of Belgium. In a welcome development for consumers, preliminary reports indicate that electricity and gas prices are either stabilizing or showing slight decreases. This fluctuation reflects ongoing market adjustments and consumer behaviors that are shaping the energy landscape.

Understanding the Price Trends

For accurate month-to-month price comparisons, we utilize the Cwape comparator, the authoritative source provided by the Walloon energy regulator in Belgium. According to the latest data:

  • Electricity prices are stable with a potential slight downward trend.
  • Gas prices are seeing similar stability, offering potential savings for consumers.

Group Purchases: A Solution for Cheaper Energy

One of the most noteworthy aspects of the recent price observations is the clear advantage of group purchasing. Typically, these group purchases offer significantly lower rates compared to individual contracts. This economic phenomenon is becoming increasingly popular as consumers look for ways to cut costs.

Case Study: Average Household Consumption

To illustrate the potential savings, we consider the average energy usage of a household in Namur:

Energy Type Monthly Consumption
Electricity (kWh) 3,500 (1,600 kWh Peak, 1,900 kWh Off-Peak)
Gas (kWh) 23,260

This average consumption indicates that even a small price change can have a significant impact on energy bills.

Benefits of Group Purchasing

Participating in group purchases allows you to harness collective bargaining power, often resulting in lower energy rates. Here are some benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Group purchases often yield better pricing than individual contracts.
  • Negotiation Power: Suppliers are more inclined to give discounts when dealing with a larger group.
  • Simplicity: Less personal research is required, as the group does the work on your behalf.

Recent Trends in Group Purchases

Recent data indicated a growing number of energy offers available to consumers. Whether through fixed contracts or variable options, group purchases continue to emerge as the most economical choice.

Practical Tips for Participating in Group Purchases

  • Research: Understand the terms of the contract thoroughly before joining a group purchase. Look for hidden fees and the duration of the contract.
  • Comparison: Use Cwape’s comparator to evaluate different offers and find the one that suits your monthly consumption the best.
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on market trends and join different groups as they become available for varied savings options.

Consumer Experience: Feedback on Group Purchasing

Many households that have engaged in group purchasing have reported significant savings and better clarity on their energy bills. A recent survey indicated:

Feedback Category Percentage of Positive Responses
Cost Savings 78%
Ease of Process 85%
Recommendation to Others 90%


It is essential for consumers to stay informed about pricing trends in the energy market, especially with the potential for stable or reduced electricity and gas costs in July 2024. By leveraging group purchasing, households can unlock better rates, enjoying significant savings on their energy consumption.

For detailed consultations or to explore group purchasing options, resources such as the Cwape comparator are invaluable. Start comparing energy plans to take control of your household’s bills today!

Read also: Significant savings are possible with group purchases.



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