The end of the world could be near

Since ancient times, the end of human existence has captivated the most brilliant minds of our civilization. Shortly before his death, scientist Stephen Hawkins predicted that the end of the world could be near.

While Stephen Hawking made significant contributions to theoretical physics and cosmology, he is not known for making specific predictions about the end of the world. It is true that Hawking explored topics such as the possibility of black holes, the expansion of the universe, and the nature of time, leading some people to interpret his ideas as predictions about the future of humanity or the cosmos. However, it is important to note that Hawking’s research was based on scientific models and not on prophecies or personal, superstitious beliefs.

In fact, Hawking often emphasized the importance of science in understanding the universe and our place in it, but he did not usually make definitive predictions about future events, especially those related to the end of the world. However, shortly before he died, the British published his last scientific paper entitled ‘A smooth exit from eternal inflation‘a theory that dared to predict that the end of humanity was near and also a list of its causes.

«By 2600, the world’s population will be shoulder to shoulder and electricity consumption will make the Earth glow red hot.» – Stephen Hawking

The reasons Stephen Hawkins predicted that the end of the world could be near and that it will cause the end of humanity:

Hawking estimated that this collapse could occur in approximately 600 years. He stressed the importance of taking urgent measures to reduce environmental impact, develop sustainable technologies and explore space colonization as a way to ensure the survival of humanity.

  • Overpopulation and excessive consumption: Hawking warned of the impact of population growth and unsustainable use of resources on Earth, which could lead to an uninhabitable scenario similar to Venus, where the temperature is unsuitable for life and there is acid rain.
  • Climate change: The physicist considered climate change to be a real threat to the habitability of the planet, with the possibility of an extreme increase in temperatures and catastrophic atmospheric phenomena.
  • Superintelligent artificial intelligence: Hawking expressed concern about the development of AI that surpasses human intelligence, which could pose a danger to humanity’s existence.
  • Excessive energy consumption: Hawking warned that population growth and excessive energy consumption will lead to overheating of the Earth, making it uninhabitable.
  • Human responsibility: According to Hawking, humanity would be primarily responsible for the destruction of the planet due to its unsustainable activities.

Hawking proposed, among others, space exploration and the development of space travel technologies as a possible escape route for humanity since, according to his constant reflections, there is no escape for a planet as deteriorated as the Earth.

“The Earth would become like Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees and sulfuric acid rain.” – Stephen Hawking

And not only did the great British scientist warn of the enormous possibilities of this event, but also Elon Musk, the technological genius, warns of a possible extinction event on Earth and proposes the colonization of Mars as a solution. Musk describes Mars as a planet with the potential to be transformed and sustain human life. To achieve this, he raises the need to drastically reduce the costs of space travel, a front on which Stephen Hawking himself agreed.

Some of Hawking’s statements on topics such as artificial intelligence or climate change may have been misinterpreted as apocalyptic predictions, but it is crucial to analyse them in the context of his scientific work and his worldview. It is important to base our expectations on reliable scientific evidence and avoid falling into erroneous or sensationalist interpretations of the ideas of great thinkers.

In short, while Stephen Hawking was a brilliant scientist with profound insights into the universe, there is no evidence to suggest that he made any specific predictions about the end of the world beyond musings derived from his ongoing research.

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Images of Pixabay

Sources for “The end of the world could be near”

References for writing this article:

  • Tencent WE Summit (March 2018): Hawking presented his prediction about the Earth “glowing red hot” in 600 years.
  • Book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”: Hawking delves into his ideas about the future of the Earth and the need to colonize space.
  • Documentary “Stephen Hawking: Expedition New Earth”: The documentary explores Hawking’s vision of the Earth’s “tipping point.”

2024-07-22 20:17:50



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