Procedures with the INTT! Since 2017, the National Institute of Land Transport (INTT) has implemented the use of the QR Code in several documents, including vehicle license plates, original vehicle registration certificates, data certifications for consular matters and driver’s licenses. The application allows easy verification of the status of these procedures.
In this regard, it is important to remember that a QR is a two-dimensional square barcode, which can store encoded data from the INTT Database, the entity explains on its website.
QR application to verify procedures with the INTT
Likewise, the QR present in the aforementioned procedures can only be scanned with the INTT application for mobile phones with Android operating system, which is available for free download on the official web portal. WWW.INTT.GOB.VE.
In addition, when downloading the application, the user must scan the code found on their vehicle documentation and verify their information according to the procedure.
Likewise, each document has other security elements that are detailed below:
Certification of Data for Consular Purposes
In this context, this document internationally endorses the citizen’s driving license, allowing the free driving of own, rented or borrowed vehicles outside of Venezuela.
This document is obtained automatically, through the official INTT portal, and is sent via email with an electronic apostille, carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This document has six security elements:
1.- Unique Processing Number: It can be verified through the PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS module, present on the portal WWW.INTT.GOB.VE.
2.- Correlative Number: generated by the INTT System, which is unique and unrepeatable.
3.-Electronic Signature of the President of INTT: duly certified by the Certification Services Provider PROCERT.
4.- Digital seal of the INTT Presidency.
5.- Vectorized signature of the President of the INTT.
6.- QR code after being scanned with the INTT application presents: Unique procedure number
- Consecutive number generated by the system.
- Citizen Identification Number.
- Names and Surnames of the Citizen.
- Bachelor’s Degree.
- Name of the Office where the Driver’s License is processed.
Driving license
1.- Transaction Number: to be verified in the PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS module of the Entity’s official web portal.
2.- QR code that stores the following data:
- Citizen’s Identity Card Number.
- Names and Surnames of the Citizen.
- Bachelor’s Degree.
- Driver’s License Expiration Date.
Original vehicle registration certificate
Through the publication of Official Gazette No. 41,470, it was announced in September 2018 that the INTT would send the Vehicle Registration Certificate via personal email, with the aim of continuing to innovate in the processes of processing vehicle documents, for the benefit and convenience of its users.
The electronic Certificate consists of a PDF file containing two security and technological verification devices.
1.- QR code: it is scanned by the State security forces and by the citizen to verify the following data:
- Name of the Vehicle Owner.
- Vehicle Owner Identification Number.
- Vehicle brand.
- Vehicle Year.
- Vehicle Color.
- Unique processing number
2.- INTT N° allows each Electronic Vehicle Registration Certificate to be individualized.
In addition, this can prevent duplication or falsification, since both security systems together must provide the unequivocal identification of each Registration Certificate issued by the INTT.
Vehicle identification plates
QR code:
- Name of the Vehicle Owner.
- Vehicle Owner Identification Number.
- Vehicle brand.
- Vehicle Year.
- Vehicle Color.
- Unique processing number
#application #works #verify #procedures #INTT
2024-07-22 16:56:58