Naval patrol ships have successfully installed radars with airspace monitoring function

Commander of the Naval Forces Sea Capt. Giedrius Premeneckas emphasizes: “The successful implementation of this project is a significant step in strengthening the capabilities of the Navy’s patrol ships and significantly increasing our ability to carry out assigned tasks and work effectively together with NATO allies.” Three civilian institutions also worked on the implementation of these systems: they were purchased from the Italian company “Leonardo S. p. A.”, manufactured by the specialists of GEM Elettronica of the same country, and the Lithuanian company UAB Elsis also contributed to the installation works on patrol warships.

Columbus MK2 radars are built using both proven and state-of-the-art technologies, ensuring low radiation detection, system durability and automated operation. After the completion of the first stage of installation of radars in the patrol ships PL “Žemaitis” (P11), PL “Dzūkas” (P12), PL “Aukštaitis” (P14) and PL “Sēlis” (P15), the existing systems will be further modernized and new systems will be purchased, ensuring the efficient operation of the ships use at sea and timely transmission of data both to other Lithuanian armed forces and allies.

The company “Leonardo S. p. A.” representatives said that this project was full of challenges, but at the same time created excellent conditions for the development of specialists. The Lithuanian Armed Forces described the Naval Forces as a reliable partner, and the cooperation of KJP officers as an example of working and professional relations.

#Naval #patrol #ships #successfully #installed #radars #airspace #monitoring #function
2024-07-22 12:22:00



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