Trees are broken, but not anymore portal: the problem of high user traffic is already in the past | Business

15min have written that the website of the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service (LHMT). would not work properly if too many visitors visit it at the same time.

For example, warnings through the public warning and information system (GPIS) mobile phone owners usually see in the message the sentence that they can find more information in the mentioned

However, when the recipients of the messages because of the said additional information, they flocked to the website crashed due to loads.

in 2023 in the fall, the service itself 15min mentioned that similar trends regarding the above-mentioned website have not been observed for the first year – it was not adapted to a large flow of visitors. presented the updated website in 2023. in October, and on January 10 the updated LHMT website (known as since its launch in 2023) was completely switched over.

How 15min commented LHMT representatives, the portal update was implemented by the supplier on time, fulfilling all the conditions of the technical specification of the public procurement.

“The new page ensures the successful implementation of one of the activities of LHMT – to warn about natural disasters, natural, catastrophic phenomena and sudden weather changes. The capabilities of the page have also been tested in real special situations, when in dangerous weather conditions its traffic increases up to 10 times in a few minutes compared to normal user traffic,” the sent comment states.

Lukos Balandios / 15min photo/Hydrometeorological Service

In addition to the information provided in accordance with the general requirements provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania for the websites of state institutions, the public is informed about the following dangerous phenomena: agrometeorological phenomena, icing, wind, fog, very high temperature, very low temperature, thunderstorm, rain, fire, snow, blizzard.

“More advanced users will find continuously updated satellite and radar data, and application programming interfaces (APIs) open up opportunities for science and business to use hydrological and meteorological data. Further support and development of the website is carried out by LHMT employees,” the comment states.

Refused foreign servers

MB “Slyva” offered the lowest price in the tender and carried out the renovation of the project. She had to complete the project in 19 months. Like before 15min LMHT representatives commented, serious inconsistencies were found in the initially presented version, and “the speed does not meet the set requirements”.

However, in the end, the company fulfilled the set requirements and fit into the set period.

Its manager, Arnas Mikulskis, said that the company was unable to complete the project for the proposed price of 29,680 euros (plus value added tax), so it negotiated with the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service to increase the project’s budget.

Since the institution did not do this, the manager claims that he had to cover the difference between the proposed and real price from his own pocket.

In addition to updating speed, design and terms, the mobile version has been drastically improved, automatic location determination of the visitor has been implemented, the website remembers previously viewed cities, so the visitor can open them with one click.

The display has also been changed: you can immediately see the weather forecast for the whole week, it is also divided into four periods of the day.



“It must be admitted, this is one of the most complex public government websites, with endless weather formulas, maps, radars and integrations. <...> The mentioned integrations were connected through foreign proxies, so it was slow. We got rid of proxy servers, now everything goes directly through the Meteo servers, so the speed has improved drastically. For this, the integrations had to be rewritten from scratch. The result is that, when previously the site “broke” after receiving a little more traffic, today it not only no longer crashes, but does not slow down even during the elements, when there is a large influx – it still loads in less than a second”, commented A. Mikulskis.

Iki 2024 m. the site hasn’t been updated in about a decade.

#Trees #broken #anymore #portal #problem #high #user #traffic #Business
2024-07-22 12:18:59



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