Right to reply | Citizen Blanca Vanessa González Mora is not “kidnapped nor is she a tenant” of the property she refuses to hand over

By: Alexander González CNP 25.770

On Thursday, July 18, 2024, Mrs. María Mercedes Valecillos de Araujo V-4.323.434, accompanied by her legal representative, went to the Editorial staff of the Andes Newspaperwith the objective of to refute Mrs. Blanca Vanessa González Mora, who told this same publisher that she was in a situation of alleged “kidnapping” and that she was denied access to fundamental human rights in an apartment of which – she said – she was a tenant and which she refused to leave in the face of an alleged “illegal eviction”, this is also denied by Mrs. Valecillos.

In a document signed by those who claim to be the owners of the property, an assertion accompanied by a series of legal documents, it is explained that citizen Blanca Vanessa González Mora has never legally appeared as a tenant of the apartment she occupies, and that even so, she has not complied with the maintenance fees, common expenses pending (condominium) since June 2022.

The affected party adds that different organizations have determined that citizen González Mora’s rights to which she refers (freedom, basic services, food) are not being violated, therefore she can enter and leave the property as many times as she needs to freely develop and work, seek medical and/or legal assistance.

Below we reproduce in full the document congratulating Andes Journal as a right of reply of Mrs. María Mercedes Valecillos de Araujo:

«Valera, July 18, 2024


Andes Diary

Us, Maria Mercedes Valecillos de AraujoVenezuelan, of legal age, married, holder of the identity card V-4.323.434 y EDUARDO ENRIQUE ARAUJO SOLANO, Venezuelan, of legal age, married, holder of the identity card V-4.320.585owners of a property consisting of an apartment located in the El Gianni Sector, Pino Residential Complex, VANESSA Building, ground floor, apartment No. 1C, Juan Ignacio Montilla Parish, Valera Municipality, Trujillo State; in accordance with Article 58 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Articles 444 and 446 of the Venezuelan Penal Code and Article 1,196 of the Civil Code, we come before you to state that we feel affected by the inaccurate and offensive information provided by the citizen. ROBERTH JOSE UTRILLA MENDOZA, holder of the identity card V-17.266.311, Who on 07/17/2024 and through this means of communication accuses us of committing the crime of kidnapping among other violations of Human Rights against the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORAholder of the identity card V-11.460.559.

To clear any doubts, we present documents of ownership of the apartment, which is ours through a public limited company of which we are shareholders and, consequently, president and vice president (a simple copy is attached), that is, it is a family business. Secondly, and distorting the quality of tenant that the citizen claims to have, WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA We show the lease agreement in which it is clearly observed that the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA does not appear and has not appeared as a tenant because there is only one fixed-term contract (simple copy attached).

The rent payments and extra fees referred to by the citizen ROBERTH JOSE UTRILLA MENDOZA are false since on April 4, 2024, Eduardo Enrique Araujo Solano in his capacity as legal representative of IRAZU INVESTMENTS, CA requests the Condominium Board of the VANESSA building for the monthly debt relationship of all maintenance fees, pending common expenses (condominium) and/or any additional charges that have been applied; this Condominium Board issued its response stating that the accumulated debt is the amount of NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE DOLLARS AMERICANS (USD 995)from June 2022 to April 2024 (simple copy attached). It should be noted at this point that the daughter of the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORAby name ADRIMAR VANESSA RIVES GONZALEZholder of the identity card V-27.677.160, cancels a rental fee for an apartment located in the Murachi Residential Complex, 7th floor, apartment 7-2, owned by citizen Antonio Valero, for more than two (2) years.

Likewise, we clarify that the final rulings of the civil courts supposedly in favor of the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA to which the citizen refers ROBERTH JOSE UTRILLA MENDOZA They do not exist, no State entity or agency has granted it the status of tenant. SUNAVI, for its part, made a statement at the time and decided that, since there was no conciliation between the parties, it left it in the hands of the corresponding civil or judicial agencies in order to elucidate and clarify the due process.

Now, this dispute is being handled by the competent body through the Public Ministry’s Protect the Elderly program, and it is the Ministry that will settle the conflict in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic, since this is the entity in charge of regulating and giving the correct conclusion to the situation. We as owners rely on this program to obtain the total restitution of our property, we were notified and both parties were summoned for the resolution of the conflict, but the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA She appeared at the last moment, and the prosecutor’s office gave her two (2) months to voluntarily vacate our property, to which she, in an aggressive and disrespectful manner towards the officials, responded that she was not going to leave there.

It is important to highlight that the different organizations within their functions have determined that the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA Her rights to which she refers (freedom, basic services, food) are not being violated; we have already said out loud on different occasions and we reiterate it now that Mrs. WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA She can enter and leave our property as many times as she requires since this conflict is in the hands of the agency that is responsible for it, the doors of our apartment remain open so that she can act freely, go to work, seek medical and/or legal assistance and finally can cover her basic needs without us intervening or interrupting such actions. Our apartment consists of three (3) main rooms and one (1) service room, of which the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA Since 05/09/2024, she has taken occupation of three (3) main rooms and two bathrooms, she voluntarily locks herself in with her two children ADRIMAR VANESSA RIVES GONZALEZ AND ADRIANGEL RIVES GONZALEZ (the latter voluntarily left the room, the apartment and the Residential Complex on 06/29/2024)locking all the rooms and keeping them in her possession, which is why we do not have access to the rooms in our apartment, she can hardly ensure that we have her locked up if she herself has the keys to the rooms.

This argument of alleged violation of Human Rights has already been clarified before the Courts, which ruled on date 02/07/2024since at 9:00 am the constitutional protection hearing began in the Third Court of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the Trujillo State, initiated by the citizen WHITE VANESSA GONZALEZ MORA through his lawyer Oscar Uzcátegui, in which the Judge, dispensing justice, Declares: Inadmissible the Claim for Ambiguity in Writingconsidering that the Court Clara did not find the Claim.

On the other hand, his repeated, recurrent, malicious and unproven accusations against different state entities reveal his lack of respect and contempt for the state authorities, who have sought healthy coexistence and peace for all.

It is not about politicizing or discrediting state entities or organizations, this is about applying the law and achieving justice.

We thank this newspaper for the opportunity to express ourselves and clarify what happened, and we also state that there are no words or texts that can encompass the anguish and sadness that our family and neighbors have gone through. We only want respect, empathy and solidarity, but above all justice, considering that our life was spent working hard with honor and honesty, to obtain the little that we now have and to be able to give our children and grandchildren a secure future, because they are the reason why all of us who are today mothers, fathers and grandparents take the path of our lives of protecting those we love; and that today we can say that we lived the years of grace that our Lord has given us.

May God bless our country Venezuela and all our fellow citizens.”



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#reply #Citizen #Blanca #Vanessa #González #Mora #kidnapped #tenant #property #refuses #hand
2024-07-22 10:57:01



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