Former weather host Henrik Voldborg has died

The family informs Ritzau.

Henrik Voldborg died on Sunday following some time of illness, according to the family.

– He had been weakened for a long time, but therefore it is still a great sadness and a huge loss, the family writes to Ritzau.

He is survived by his wife, Anne Marie, and the couple’s four children.

Henrik Voldborg was particularly known for his time as a weather presenter on DR, where he often appeared in brightly colored knitted sweaters. He retired in 2001.

The sweaters always had something to do with the weather. Among other things, Voldborg had a sweater that showed what the weather system for the hurricane in 1999 looked like.

Henrik Voldborg actually had time off on the day the hurricane hit in 1999, but he went to work anyway because it was so exciting.

Henrik Voldborg already knew at the age of 10 that he wanted to be a meteorologist, he has previously said. It was a harsh icy winter in 1947 that caught his interest in the weather.

He was educated as a mathematical-physical master from the University of Copenhagen in 1961 and two years later was employed at Denmark’s Meteorological Institute (DMI) and Denmark’s Radio.

Here he was a weather host for two years, until DR had the hosts read the weather forecasts instead of meteorologists.

In 1988, Voldborg might once more step into the role of host, as DR wanted to make weather broadcasts.

Here, DR approached DMI and called for a meteorologist, because they had heard that the new, competing TV channel, TV 2, wanted to bet on weather broadcasts.

DR was initially not interested in Voldborg as host. They would rather have someone who was younger.

However, that didn’t strike Henrik Voldborg, and he applied anyway. DR also ended up choosing him, and he appeared on the channel until his retirement.

On the screen, Henrik Voldborg contributed to people’s understanding of the weather and used words such as “spin bass” and “apple shaker” to refer to large cloud formations and strong wind.

When he stopped at DR and at DMI in 2001, he was in audience with the queen, where he received the knight’s cross.

In addition to being interested in the weather, Henrik Voldborg also played the cello.

Henrik Voldborg will be buried from Nærum Church on July 26 at 11 a.m.


2024-07-22 09:59:35
#weather #host #Henrik #Voldborg #died



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