Technical committee meets to discuss expansion of electricity subsidy – La Discusión 2024-07-22 10:13:58

One week before the end of the application process for the electricity subsidy, available to 40% of the most vulnerable households in order to mitigate the rise in electricity bills, the technical committee of Congress, composed of the Energy Committees of the House and the Senate, will meet once more today, Monday, to analyze the Government’s proposal, which expands the number of beneficiaries.

According to Radio Cooperativa, the deputy and member of the Energy Commission, José Miguel Castro (RN), said yesterday that “the Government has accepted our proposal that the VAT be delivered as a subsidy. The important thing is that they understand that it not only has to reach where they want it to reach, but also the middle class.”

“Some percentage of VAT must be levied and that is what we are going to fight for at the technical table,” said the Chile Vamos legislator, and insisted that “the Government must understand and facilitate applications for subsidies, that municipalities must be forced to help their people, just like the SEC (Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels) and the Energy regional governments, to give this type of help to people who often do not know how to use a computer or the Internet.”

For her part, the deputy and president of the Energy Commission of the Chamber, Yovana Ahumada (independent), said that “we are still analyzing the proposal, we requested much harder, more concrete data, and we hope that this Monday, once and for all, Minister Marcel will be present to have numbers and thus be able to see up to what section we are going to be able to include in this new subsidy, in the extension.”

“We believe that there is also a very important issue here that has to do with the middle class and those family-run SMEs that are also affected and involved,” the parliamentarian emphasized.

Positions in the Senate

From the Senate, the president of the Energy Commission, Juan Luis Castro (PS), indicated that “tomorrow (today) specifically, the VAT, which is one of the main sources of new resources that will be reinjected into this subsidy, will be addressed in detail to know what the real estimate is that this source of financing will have.”

“Then we will look at the carbon tax and the higher charge for large industries to enter the public electricity service. The first task that we ask of him and hope to take into account first of all tomorrow, is the number of people who have opted for the subsidy and the simplification of the subsidy,” said the pro-government parliamentarian.

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