Dream impostors: the reality behind deceptive job offers in Colombia

Dream impostors: the reality behind deceptive job offers in Colombia

More and more Colombians are being affected by supposed job offers that turn out to be false. **This has led many people to denounce this type of behavior, which, instead of taking away their money, gives them hope and robs them of their dreams.** Seventh day
heard the testimonies of those affected and, above all, confronted the alleged scammers. **What did they respond to these statements?**

Many of the investigations were carried out in the world of fame and beauty. Because life in front of the catwalks and having the possibility of participating in a pageant is a dream for thousands of people in the country. In this world, some know by heart how to take the steps to achieve their goal, but **many businessmen end up taking advantage of this desire and deceive them to take their money.**

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The first case is that of William Moran, a 27-year-old actor, model and bodybuilder, who participated in different beauty contests. A job that is not at all fixed, and therefore he lives off the events in which he can compete. In one of them, **he met a person who proposed that he participate in a beauty pageant in Chile.**

Although Moran did not know him, he did have very good references regarding him and his professional career in the world of beauty. **The promise was that Moran would pay him $2 million pesos in exchange for giving him the tickets for the trip and preparation for the contest.**

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Similarly, **Luisa Obregón, 21, was offered the same proposal to be the candidate to represent Colombia in Chile. However, a publication by a well-known entertainment journalist put them on alert.**

**“The first information I received was from a girl who participated in Bogotá and who was a victim of William Montes Herrera.** “These are cases that occur very often, girls and boys who want to enter television, who want to be famous and recognized. I have written twice regarding this man,” said Graciela Torres, better known as La Negra Candela.

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**Both William Moran and Luisa Obregón claimed that this man tricked them and deceived them, causing them to lose not only large sums of money, but also the desire to get their dream job.** In addition, they revealed this gentleman’s great abilities in terms of credibility, trust, and security, a fact that, without a doubt, made them fall for his lies.

These cases not only involve people in Bogotá, but victims also appeared in Montería, William Montes’ hometown, where he offered them false job opportunities. **This time, not in beauty pageants, but in public positions in the Ministry of Culture.** Seventh Day confronted the man to respond to these accusations and above all, he defended himself.

The Rise of Fake Job Offers in Colombia: A Story of Broken Dreams and Stolen Hope

Colombia is unfortunately facing a growing problem: the proliferation of fake job offers that are leaving numerous individuals disillusioned and financially harmed. While these offers initially inspire hope and dreams of a brighter future, they ultimately turn into nightmares, robbing victims of their hard-earned money and leaving them with nothing but shattered aspirations.

The Lure of Fame and Beauty: A Target for Scammers

The world of fame and beauty, with its allure of glamour and recognition, has become a fertile ground for scammers preying on aspiring models, actors, and those dreaming of taking part in beauty pageants. The promise of a fulfilling career within this industry is a powerful motivator, making individuals vulnerable to deceptive schemes.

Case Study: William Moran and the Chilean Beauty Pageant

William Moran, a 27-year-old actor, model, and bodybuilder, had participated in various beauty contests, striving to make a name for himself in the competitive world of entertainment. He was approached by an individual with impeccable references and a purportedly successful career in the beauty industry. This individual promised to secure Moran’s participation in a prestigious beauty pageant in Chile. In exchange for covering the travel expenses and preparation costs, Moran was promised a hefty sum of 2 million pesos. While Moran was initially skeptical, the individual’s apparent credibility and trustworthiness led him to believe the opportunity was legitimate.

Sadly, this story, like countless others in Colombia, ended in misery. William Moran, along with numerous other aspiring models and actors, lost both significant sums of money and the hope of achieving their dream careers. They were victims of a well-crafted scam that exploited their vulnerabilities and desire for success in the entertainment industry.

Luisa Obregón: Another Victim of a Deceptive Scheme

Luisa Obregón, a 21-year-old aspiring beauty queen, was presented with an almost identical offer to represent Colombia in a beauty pageant in Chile. She was promised the same financial incentives and a chance to make her mark in the world of beauty pageants. However, a timely intervention by a renowned entertainment journalist, Graciela Torres, known as “La Negra Candela,” alerted Obregón and others to the fraudulent nature of this offer.

“The first information I received was from a girl who participated in Bogotá and was a victim of William Montes Herrera,” stated La Negra Candela. “These are cases that occur very often, girls and boys who want to enter television, who want to be famous and recognized. I have written twice regarding this man.”

The Common Thread: Deception and Stolen Dreams

Both William Moran and Luisa Obregón were victims of the same alleged perpetrator, William Montes Herrera. He expertly used his charm and charisma to build trust and confidence. This, coupled with the lure of fame and fortune, made his victims highly susceptible to his deceit. The consequences were devastating, leaving them burdened with financial losses and a profound sense of disappointment. They were not only robbed of their money but also of their dreams and the belief in their potential to succeed in the industry they so desperately aspired to be a part of.

Beyond Beauty Pageants: The Reach of the Scam

The impact of these false job offers extends beyond the glamorous world of beauty pageants. William Montes Herrera’s scams reached Montería, his hometown, where he offered false job opportunities in public positions within the Ministry of Culture. The extent of his fraudulent activities highlights the widespread nature of this problem and the need for increased awareness and vigilance.

Facing the Accusations: A Confrontation with William Montes Herrera

“Seventh Day” confronted William Montes Herrera with the accusations leveled once morest him. He was given the opportunity to respond to the allegations and defend himself. The outcome of this confrontation remains unknown, but the fact that he was confronted publicly underscores the need for transparency and accountability in these cases.

The Urgent Need for Awareness and Action

The prevalence of fake job offers in Colombia poses a significant threat to those seeking employment and fulfilling careers. The emotional and financial toll on victims is immense. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Increased Awareness: The public needs to be made aware of the rising trend of fraudulent job offers. Extensive awareness campaigns through media outlets, community organizations, and social media platforms are crucial to reaching as many people as possible.
  • Verification and Due Diligence: It is essential to thoroughly investigate any job offers, verifying the authenticity of the company and the legitimacy of the position. Don’t be swayed by promises of high salaries or quick success. Take the time to research and confirm the information provided.
  • Reporting and Support: Victims of fraud should report the incidents to the authorities and seek support from relevant organizations. This will help in holding perpetrators accountable while providing victims with resources and guidance to recover from their losses.
  • Legislative Action: The Colombian government must take a proactive stance in addressing this problem. This includes implementing stricter laws once morest fraudulent job offers, increasing enforcement efforts, and providing greater protection for victims.

A Call for Collaboration and Change

The fight once morest fake job offers in Colombia requires a collective effort. Individuals, businesses, and government agencies must work together to raise awareness, combat these scams, and protect the vulnerable. Ultimately, it is only through collective action that we can restore trust and hope in the job market, ensuring that aspiring individuals can pursue their dreams without fear of falling prey to deceitful schemes.



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