Three times higher prices from the field to the “shelf” – Lettuce is sold 240% more expensive – 2024-07-21 22:39:50

Up to three times higher is the price of products printed on the shelf compared to what the producer sells in the field. A typical example is pumpkins, which, while they leave the producers at 80 cents per kilo, the consumer ends up paying even 2.4 euros for them.

With a high double-digit rate of 15%, fruit and vegetable appreciations are still running, despite the fact that production costs have decreased on an annual basis by 5.2%.

Tomatoes leave the field at 80 cents per kilo, are sold wholesale at 1.3 euros and reach the shelf at 2 euros per kilo, with the “scissors” forming at 152.5%. Consumers buy lettuce 240% more expensive than the producer price, which starts its “journey” from 20 cents a piece, is available at wholesale at 35 cents and at retail its price reaches 68 cents.

The price gap in broccoli reaches 160%, with the producer selling the product at 1 euro per kilo and consumers buying it from supermarkets at 2.6 euros per kilo. Correspondingly, starkin apples leave the field at 60 cents per kilo, arrive wholesale at 1.10 euros and on the shelves cost 1.45 euros per kilo.

In addition to reduced production due to the climate crisis, producers complain of profit-taking by middlemen, who “inflate” prices for the final consumer.

The final distribution chains have been able to and have affected the entire production chain, from the producer, the intermediary, the processor, the logistics and all of that and so they impose a tactic.

“The reason we see this stability of high prices has to do with the significant shortage of these products and for this reason the price increase reflects the lack of quantities available on the market” emphasizes Apostolos Petalas, general manager of the Greek Supermarket Association.

With the aim of putting a stop to fictitious returns of allegedly defective products, through which prices are artificially reduced, the Ministry of Development from March 1 obliges supermarkets to sell fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish at net prices and limits credit invoices up to 3%.

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