Itapúa: epicenter of the Paraguay Rally 2025 was the venue for the organizational meeting

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Executive Committee in charge of organizing the 2025 Paraguay Rally, the official date of the World Rally Championship, held a working and coordination table with representatives of driving circles in the department of Itapúa, which will be the epicenter of this world event.

At the opening of the meeting, Sports Minister César Ramírez stressed the importance of working together with the different actors involved, thus ensuring a new organizational success for Paraguay.

“This space that we are sharing here in Itapúa, in the south of the country, is a clear example of the true and absolute commitment that we have to the decentralization of sport and to the success of each initiative of the Government of Paraguay in the different areas of action,” said Ramírez.

During his presentation, the highest authority in Paraguayan sport highlighted that Paraguay has a vehicle fleet that stands out in the region, which positions us as an important development hub for motor sport.

“The competitiveness of our motorsports has positioned us in the international arena and today the World Rally Championship sees us as a strategic ally in the region,” he said.

“Itapúa has been the stage for important sporting events that have also meant organizational successes. For the Rally of Paraguay, this department, which shows the beauty of our landscapes and the warmth of its people, will also become a challenging stage for the best drivers in the world,” concluded the head of the sports portfolio.

The work session between the Executive Committee of the Rally of Paraguay WRC 2025 and representatives of the Steering Wheels Circles of localities in the Department of Itapúa allowed to socialize the organizational structure for the event declared of National Interest by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña.

In addition to the Minister of Sports, the panel of authorities was made up of the Minister of Tourism, Angie Duarte; the Director of DINAC, Nelson Mendoza; the President of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee, Camilo Pérez; and the advisor Víctor Galeano. The moderator of the working table was Rodrigo Maluff, Vice Minister of Investments and Exports of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

The advisors who will accompany all the work that will be carried out in the coming months were also presented at the meeting. The technical and sporting aspects planned in the run-up to the Rally of Paraguay were also discussed by Sergio Arrellaga, Sports Director of the Competition.

Candidate Event

In preparation for the Rally of Paraguay, the Organizing Executive Committee will have as its first challenge the celebration of a Candidate Event, an event in which promoters of the world event will come to the country to oversee the progress in organizational matters for the WRC date.

The rally test will take place around September, within the framework of the 2024 National Rally Championship, and will allow the evaluation of the work carried out as well as the projection of the improvements that are necessary following the observations of the inspectors of the International Automobile Federation and the company promoting the World Rally Championship.

#Itapúa #epicenter #Paraguay #Rally #venue #organizational #meeting
2024-07-21 21:15:00



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