Warnings from the Ministry of Health about some habits that cause infectious diseases in the summer

Doctors have been increasingly warning regarding the health risks of sharing personal items during the summer. These items include clothing, eating utensils, water bottles, and toothbrushes. Sharing these items can significantly increase the transmission of infections between people, which raises the risk of contracting serious illnesses. These warnings come as social gatherings and outdoor activities are on the rise.

Habits that Cause Infectious Diseases in the Summer

According to Dr. Magdy Badran, a member of the Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology, there are several items that should not be shared due to their high health risks. These include:

  • Shared spoons, forks, and cups: Sharing these utensils can significantly increase your risk of transmitting infections between individuals.
  • Using a shared toothbrush can transmit oral bacteria, fungi, and some oral viruses, such as cold and flu viruses. This shared use can lead to food poisoning, gum infections, mouth ulcers, and hepatitis B.
  • Shared combs or hairbrushes can transmit many diseases.
  • Using shared cosmetics carries significant health risks, including bacterial and fungal infections that can lead to skin and eye infections. Additionally, the herpes virus can be transmitted through the lips or eyes, and allergies may occur.
  • Using a shared loofah poses a significant health risk as it can be an effective means of transmitting bacteria and fungi between individuals. This risk is particularly increased when the loofah is damp, providing an ideal environment for the growth and reproduction of these microorganisms.

Summer Sharing: Why You Shouldn’t Share Personal Items

Summer is a time for fun, sun, and socializing. However, as social gatherings and outdoor activities increase, it’s important to remember that sharing personal items can have serious health consequences. Doctors have issued increasing warnings regarding the health risks of sharing items like clothing, eating utensils, water bottles, and toothbrushes. These practices can significantly contribute to the transmission of infections between individuals, raising the risk of contracting serious diseases.

Habits that cause infectious diseases in the summer

The Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology , explains that sharing certain items can lead to the transmission of various infections. Dr. Magdy Badran, a member of the society, highlights the following:

Sharing Utensils

Sharing Oral Hygiene Items

  • Toothbrushes: Sharing toothbrushes can transmit oral bacteria, fungi, and viruses like cold and flu viruses. This practice can lead to food poisoning, gum infections, mouth ulcers, and even hepatitis B.

Sharing Hair Care Items

  • Combs and hairbrushes: These items can transmit numerous diseases, including head lice and fungal infections like ringworm.

Sharing Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics: Sharing cosmetics poses significant health risks. Bacterial and fungal infections can lead to skin and eye infections, while the herpes virus can spread through shared lipstick or eye makeup. Additionally, sharing cosmetics can contribute to allergic reactions.

Sharing Personal Hygiene Items

  • Loofahs: Loofahs, especially when damp, provide a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Sharing loofahs can readily transmit these microorganisms between individuals, leading to skin infections.

Additional Tips for Preventing Infection

Beyond avoiding the sharing of personal items, here are additional tips to help prevent the spread of infections during summer:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially following using the restroom, before eating, and following touching public surfaces.
  • Use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol when soap and water aren’t readily available.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth, as this can introduce germs to your body.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Get enough sleep to boost your immune system.

Case Study: A Shared Water Bottle and a Summer Outing

Imagine a group of friends enjoying a day at the beach. They share a single water bottle, passing it around throughout the day. One of the friends is unknowingly carrying a stomach virus. Through sharing the water bottle, the virus spreads to the rest of the group, leading to days of illness and discomfort.

First-Hand Experience: Avoiding the Risk

“After learning regarding the risks associated with sharing personal items, I made a conscious effort to be more mindful during summer events. I always have my own water bottle and utensils, and I avoid sharing anything that might be contaminated. It’s a small change, but it makes a big difference in keeping me healthy,” shares Sarah, a young woman who has learned regarding the importance of personal hygiene.

Conclusion: Be Responsible, Stay Healthy

Sharing personal items during the summer is a common practice, but one that can lead to serious health consequences. By understanding the risks and adopting simple precautions, we can ensure that our summer gatherings are enjoyable and safe for everyone. Remember, taking responsibility for our own health and the health of others is essential during this time of year.



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