PLO Executive Committee Condemns Israeli Violence in West Bank – 2024-07-21 13:40:08

Israeli army imposes military blockade on West Bank area (AFP)

THE Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) held a meeting in Ramallah. They condemned the massacres committed by Israel as part of its ongoing genocidal campaign once morest the Gaza Strip and its escalation in the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

The committee holds the occupying state, together with the American administration, fully responsible for the genocide and escalation, affirming the Palestinian people’s continued struggle and resistance to achieve freedom and independence and obtain all their rights.

“Including the right of refugees to return, the right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent and fully sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital, led by the Palestine Liberation Organization; the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people,” as reported by the Palestinian News Agency Wafa, Thursday (18/7).

The Committee also discussed the solidarity campaign with the prisoners’ movement, affirming the continuation of cooperation with prisoners’ institutions to protect prisoners and detainees from the policies of ill-treatment, torture, isolation, killing and deliberate medical neglect carried out by the occupation.

The statement stressed the need to intensify Arab and international solidarity efforts and contacts with the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the UN Security Council, the Human Rights Council, and the International Criminal Court and all international human rights and humanitarian institutions to implement their positions in the face of the crimes committed once morest the Palestinian people, including prisoners.

The Committee stressed the need to boycott the occupation, expedite prosecution mechanisms, especially before the International Criminal Court (ICC), and expedite the issuance of arrest warrants once morest those responsible for these crimes.

The Executive Committee welcomes China’s invitation to all Palestinian factions to hold a meeting in Beijing aimed at ending division and achieving Palestinian national unity, as well as strengthening the resilience and resistance of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The committee stressed China’s role in supporting the Palestinian people’s struggle and rights to end occupation and colonialism and establish an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital. (Z-8)

#PLO #Executive #Committee #Condemns #Israeli #Violence #West #Bank



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