New social card, how much is the bonus and what can be bought –

Luca De Lellis

Good news ahead for families with an ISEE not exceeding the annual ceiling of 15,000 euros. With the subsidy of the “dedicated to you” card, in fact, 500 euros are ready for the purchase of basic necessities, among which food and fuel certainly stand out. But let’s put things in order, to better understand how the bonus can be used and which families can benefit from it. Mandatory premise: the rule, in force from 4 June 2024, provides that the card can be used by a maximum of 1.3 million families. And, in particular, it is essential that families who fall within the ISEE limits have not already received subsidies on the date the rule comes into force, and that in the meantime they are not recipients of other benefits such as Naspi or Dis-coll and redundancy fund.

As regards the method of disbursement, the amount of 500 euros will be inserted into electronic payment cards, prepaid and rechargeable, made available by Poste Italiane SpA through its subsidiary Postepay. Chapter lists of beneficiaries: they will be created by INPS which, by 24 July 2024, will deliver to the individual Municipalities the list of families that meet the economic requirements mentioned above. Obviously, there is a scale of priority that will favor some families over others in the screening of applications: the first is identified in the age of minors and in families with at least 3 members. Once this process is completed, the Municipalities must confirm the lists provided by INPS within 20 days, which then transfers them electronically to Poste Italiane for the disbursement of the cards. Finally, the procedure requires each Municipality to publish on its institutional website the list of beneficiaries of the bonus relating to the territory to which they belong.

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The budget established for the subsidy can be used starting in September. But be careful, there are deadlines to respect even for those who manage to access it. First of all, the first partial purchase of the 500 euros must be made no later than December 16, 2024, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit. Not only that, because the amount must be used up by the second deadline of February 28, 2025. Regarding the food products that can be purchased with the Card “dedicated to you”, among the few explicit prohibitions are that of alcohol, as well as balsamic vinegar and jam. All purchases can be made in all supermarkets and food stores enabled for the Mastercard circuit and that meet the requirements set by the Ministry. In short, another benefit directed to families by INPS is regarding to arrive, following the Universal Single Allowance, the increase in the Nido Bonus and the decontribution for working mothers.

#social #card #bonus #bought #Tempo
2024-07-21 09:20:56



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