The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has changed the technical characteristics of the broadcast of the Suspilne Krym TV channel

The BISS coding (conditional access) system has been introduced for the TV channel.

As informs corporate website of the Society, this was done to protect the rights of the Society as a licensee of the Olympic Games – 2024 and Paralympic Games – 2024, in order to avoid distribution in unauthorized networks of sports, documentary and other content that has territorial restrictions set by the right holders.

The message states that the following will receive the access key (BISS code) to the “Public Crimea” TV channel free of charge:

– OTT providers spreading the signal on the territory of Ukraine;

– subscribers living on the territory of Ukraine who have the opportunity to watch satellite television and do not have connections to providers;

– Department of Frequency Regulation and Technical Control of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting.

We will remind, the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting canceled the registration of the satellite channel “Social. News”. The regulator made this decision at a meeting on July 11.

Photo: Public

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