A helicopter flew over the beach in Ostend this Saturday afternoon: what happened?

If you were on the coast this past Saturday, you probably noticed a helicopter in the air.

Around 5:30 pm on Saturday, a 9-year-old child was reported missing from the beach in Ostend. Emergency services immediately began searching for the young boy, including deploying a helicopter. Firefighters, police, and emergency services were activated to find the Namur native.

After an hour, the missing child was found safe and sound. “It is not known exactly how the boy got lost,” said Timmy Van Assche, spokesperson for the Ostend police. “The most important thing is that we found him.”

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Digital Subscriber Edition
Two teenagers were saved from drowning in Ostend: one is out of danger, the other is still in critical condition.
ostend beach disappearance

The Power of

in Web Development: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of web development, HTML plays a crucial role in structuring and organizing content on a webpage. Among its numerous elements, the `

` tag stands out as a versatile and essential building block. Within the `

` tag, you can use the `id` attribute to uniquely identify a specific element. This article delves into the depths of `

` and explores its significance, applications, and best practices.

Understanding the Importance of Unique Identifiers

Imagine a webpage as a bustling city, filled with various structures, roads, and landmarks. Just as each address in the city is unique, every element on a webpage needs a unique identifier to be easily located and manipulated. The `id` attribute provides this unique identifier, enabling developers to target specific elements for styling, manipulation, and interaction.

Key Uses of `


1. Styling with CSS

* The `id` attribute allows you to apply specific CSS styles to a single `

` element. This enables customized styling for individual sections of your website, ensuring a tailored and visually appealing user experience.



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2. JavaScript Manipulation

* JavaScript utilizes the `id` attribute to access and manipulate specific HTML elements. Developers can modify content, trigger animations, and handle user interactions by targeting elements using their unique IDs.


const myDiv = document.getElementById(‘my-div’);

myDiv.innerHTML = “Hello, world!”;

3. Accessibility Enhancement

* The `id` attribute facilitates accessibility by providing clear and distinct labels for elements. Screen readers and assistive technologies use IDs to navigate the website efficiently and understand the content.




Best Practices for Using `


* **Follow Semantic HTML:** Use `

` when the element doesn’t have a more semantically appropriate HTML tag, such as `

`, `

`, or `

* **Use Descriptive IDs:** Choose meaningful IDs that reflect the purpose or content of the `

` element. For instance, `product-details` is more informative than `div1`.
* **Avoid Redundant IDs:** Assign IDs only when necessary. Avoid using IDs solely for styling or JavaScript interaction if other alternatives exist.
* **Be Consistent:** Use a consistent naming convention for IDs across your website for improved organization and maintainability.
* **Prioritize Accessibility:** Use IDs to provide clear labels for navigation and interaction.

The Power of Flexibility

The beauty of `

` lies in its flexibility. It allows you to easily customize sections of your website, create modular components, and enhance the user experience. By following best practices and utilizing its power responsibly, you can elevate your web development skills and create engaging and functional webpages.



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