Palace Never Had Rules on Number of Deputy Ministers – 2024-07-21 00:43:35

Minister of State Secretary Pratikno (Antara)

MINISTER of State Secretary Pratikno said there is no regulation that determines the number of deputy ministers in a ministry. This is in response to the addition of one deputy finance minister who was recently inaugurated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

“The Deputy Minister is indeed not specified in the institutional presidential decree, not only in the Ministry of Finance. And remember, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises also has two Deputy Ministers. So there is nothing new,” said Pratikno, at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Thursday (18/7).

For the division of work itself, said Pratikno, Suahasil Nazara will oversee the implementation of the 2024 State Budget. Meanwhile, Thomas Djiwandono will prepare and oversee the preparation of the 2025 State Budget.

“This is part of sustainability. Mr. Suahasil’s job is to oversee the implementation of the 2024 State Budget. Meanwhile, Mr. Tommy (nickname Thomas) is tasked with preparing, overseeing the preparation of the 2025 State Budget. So therefore, this is part of sustainability,” said Pratikno.

For the Ministry of Agriculture, because its ministerial portfolio is not as large as the Ministry of Finance, there is only one deputy minister.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Investment has not had a deputy minister/deputy head of BKPM.

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He views that with Thomas as Deputy Minister of Finance, the preparation of the 2025 State Budget is more mature. “Yes, it is more mature because it is still under the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Srimul,” said Pratikno.

This is in line with the President’s program. He said this has been planned from the beginning at the Ministry of Finance and Bappenas.

“Because this is part of sustainability, this was discussed with the president-elect,” said Pratikno.

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He said the appointment of the additional deputy minister of finance was not a bridge to becoming the next minister of finance.

“Oh, that’s another matter. This is the deputy minister for the current cabinet period until October this year,” said Pratikno. (Z-8)

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