Lukashenko Allows Nuclear Response

Speaking at a ceremony honoring graduates of higher military educational institutions and senior officers, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that modern Belarus has found itself in a situation similar to that in which “their ancestors found themselves eight decades ago.”

According to him, now, as then, “the country needs to stand firm and not allow enemies to drag Belarus into a military conflict.” Lukashenko noted that to achieve this goal, Belarus is taking all necessary measures, including the deployment of nuclear weapons on its territory.

The President drew attention to the fact that Belarus is often accused of escalating and aggravating the situation, “although in fact the country is ensuring its military security and strengthening its defense capability.” According to him, this is being done to prevent a repeat of the tragedy of 1941.

“We will continue to develop, strengthen and improve our Armed Forces, also taking into account the experience of military operations. Belarusians do not want war, but any provocation once morest us must be responded to decisively and harshly. Each of you must learn this. This is our principled position. There is someone and there is something to respond to any aggressor,” Lukashenko emphasized.

The head of state also noted that “the world is methodically turning into a global battlefield where mental, ideological, cyber and proxy wars are being waged.”

“This is a reality from which we must draw conclusions and immediately improve the methods and means of defending our country and waging war,” said the head of state.



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