To answer various questions regarding the electricity subsidy, the regional minister of Energy, Dennis Rivas, went to the headquarters of the “El Libertador” Neighborhood Council, in the commune of Chillán Viejo, to resolve various doubts and questions regarding the application process for the Electricity Subsidy and the origin of the increase in electricity bills.

The event brought together around twenty residents, who were able to answer their concerns regarding the process, as well as clarify the amount of the increase and how the subsidy will help alleviate this burden.

“It is extremely important to have information from a first-hand source,” said the president of the neighborhood council, Agustina San Martín.

Rivas said that “we will continue to be deployed throughout the region, following the mandate of our president, Gabriel Boric, to support the community in the face of the different doubts that arise during the application period for the Electricity Subsidy.”

Applications for the Electricity Subsidy will be open until July 14, through the website and only require the Unique Code and the customer number of the electricity account.

On this occasion, the regional minister announced the 2024 call for applications to the Energy Access Fund (FAE), a tool of the Ministry of Energy that seeks to promote the implementation of energy solutions that allow non-profit social organizations to access and/or improve energy supply by financing small-scale renewable energy projects.