Since last July 8th, Servants of the Nation They reported that they were fired and without severance pay following the formation of the National Union of Nation’s Servantsin order to guarantee their labor rights, as a department responsible for distributing support from the Welfare Pension and social assistance.
Several of these workers met in Guadalajara Square, in Jaliscoto report that they were fired without severance pay, but that there was not even a document that might support the end of their relationship with the Ministry of Welfare.
They claim that this is a reprisal for forming this union, in which they seek to be guaranteed fair treatment as workers following six years of working as Nation Servants, following several years of irregularities in their work.
Marcela Martinez Sandovalgeneral secretary of the union, said that they decided to speak out because of the working conditions that affected not only workers in Jalisco, but also in Guerrero and Yucatán.
“They already fired us, but they fired us verbally, they didn’t even give us a signature… they told us ‘you’re fired’ with a severance package, in fact, just over the phone (they told them) goodbye, you no longer have any appointment and without any severance package” said the union leader, in statements quoted by The Broken Chair.
Among the claims of the now former workers, it stands out that as Nation’s servants had to work more than 14 hours a day, without the right to vacations or affiliation with the IMSS, without payment of travel expenses and with delays in payroll payments.
With banners that read: ““Love is repaid with love?”“We were fired for asking for labor rights,” “You fired me for talking, now listen to my scream”; The workers invited other union members to join the protest, since of the 600 registered Civil Servants, only 60 have joined the movement.
“We created this union at a national level to demand the minimum of labor rights. We are proud to be here in welfare, but we are very behind in terms of labor rights, so this is the end of this union,” insisted Marcela Martínez.
The union leader also denounced that the Nation’s Servants have to support without tools and under precarious conditions when helping in natural disasters such as what happened with Hurricane “Otis”, where she highlighted that her colleagues did not even have food for themselves.
How much do public servants earn?
According to local media information, a nation’s server of the month earns regarding 12,400 approximately; while people from the Basic Administrative Units nine thousand 600 pesos per month without Social Security.
The union leader announced that they will continue their protests until they are heard and further reprisals cease.
#Love #repaid #love #Nations #servants #denounce #fired #severance #pay
2024-07-20 19:37:58