Aaliyah’s Longing for Adjie Massaid Before Marriage: It Feels Like a Live Story


Even though Adjie Massaid has passed away, he is never forgotten during Aaliyah Massaid’s special moments. The presence of Adjie Massaid is still felt through photos during Thariq and Aaliyah’s religious studies before their wedding.

During a moment where Aaliyah expressed her emotions next to a photo of her late father Adjie Massaid, everyone present mightn’t hold back their tears. Tears were streaming down Aaliyah Massaid‘s face.

“Bismillah for Daddy who has passed away… even though Daddy is not physically here with Aaliyah, she believes that he is always watching over her from up above. Daddy… soon your little girl will be getting married,” said Aaliyah Massaid, tearfully speaking on a live broadcast on Thariq Halilintar’s YouTube channel on Saturday (20/7/2024).

“I wish I might tell you in person, but I know that Daddy is still looking over me from up above,” she continued with a sigh.

Born on March 8, 2002, Aaliyah shared that she was very excited regarding her upcoming wedding. However, there was still a tinge of sadness due to the absence of her father on such a joyous occasion.

Aaliyah believes that her late father Adjie Massaid would be happy to see her smiling.

Aaliyah Massaid in tears during the pre-wedding recitation. Photo: doc. Thariq Halilintar YouTube Channel

“Aaliyah believes that Daddy wants her to be happy from up above. She’s happy because she’s regarding to start a new chapter in her life. However, Daddy will always be Aaliyah’s first love,” she said with a trembling voice.

Aaliyah Massaid always feels the absence of her father. Adjie Massaid passed away when Aaliyah was only 9 years old.

“Every day, especially during special moments like today, Aaliyah misses her Daddy. She’s very grateful to have had a wonderful man like him in her life. Despite the short time they had together, Aaliyah will always cherish the lessons her father taught her,” she expressed.

“I believe that from up above, Daddy is happy to see the life partner that Aaliyah has chosen. I pray that Aaliyah will always uphold her honor. Amen.”

Watch Video “Vendor Spill When Will Thariq and Aaliyah Massaid’s Wedding Be Held


Jakarta – Remembering Adjie Massaid at Aaliyah Massaid’s Special Moments

Deceased Adjie Massaid is never forgotten at Aaliyah Massaid’s special moments. The memory of Adjie Massaid is still very much alive through photos taken during Thariq and Aaliyah’s religious study before the wedding.

During a poignant moment, Aaliyah poured out her emotions next to a photo of her late father, Adjie Massaid, which brought tears to everyone present. Aaliyah Massaid’s tears glistened on her face as she expressed her heartfelt sentiments.

“In the name of God for my late Daddy… even though Daddy is no longer physically with me, I am certain that he is always watching over me from above. Daddy… soon, your little daughter will be getting married,” Aaliyah Massaid tearfully expressed during a live broadcast on Thariq Halilintar’s YouTube channel on Saturday, July 20, 2024.

“Although I wish I might share this moment directly with Daddy, I am certain that he is still watching over me from above,” she continued with a heavy heart.

Despite the mix of happiness and sadness as her wedding day approached, Aaliyah, born on March 8, 2002, confessed her joy. The absence of her father figure to accompany her on her big day was a bittersweet reality.

Aaliyah believes that her late father, Adjie Massaid, would be overjoyed to see her smiling.

Aaliyah Massaid cries during the recitation before the wedding. Photo: doc. Thariq Halilintar YouTube Channel

“I am certain that Daddy still wishes for my happiness from above. I am thrilled to embark on a new chapter in my life. Nevertheless, Daddy will forever remain my first love,” she expressed with a trembling voice.

Aaliyah Massaid perpetually feels the absence and longing for her father’s presence. Adjie Massaid passed away when Aaliyah was just 9 years old.

“Every day, especially on special occasions like today, Aaliyah deeply misses her Daddy. Aaliyah feels immensely grateful to have had such an incredible man as her father. Though our time together was brief, the values and teachings that Daddy imparted will always be cherished and upheld by Aaliyah,” she acknowledged.

“God willing, from above, Daddy is also pleased to witness the life partner that Aaliyah has chosen. Aaliyah vows to protect her honor continuously. Amen.”

Watch Video “Vendor Spill: When Will Thariq and Aaliyah Massaid’s Wedding Be Held




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