Still challenges at some pharmacies after global IT chaos

Still challenges at some pharmacies after global IT chaos

It was a botched update from data security firm Crowdstrike that knocked out air traffic and businesses worldwide on Friday.

Among Norwegian pharmacies, the IT scandal particularly affected the pharmacy chain Apotek 1. On Friday, they had to close all their branches, but they eventually got back into operation.

– Most Apotek1 pharmacies have services as normal, and for those pharmacies where there are still challenges, Apotek 1 has put in place the necessary measures to ensure access to medicines, explains unit manager Kristine Romøren in the Directorate for Medical Products to NTB on Saturday morning.

NTB tried to get in touch with Apotek 1 on Saturday, but they have so far not picked up the phone or responded to messages.

However, the directorate is in dialogue with them.

– We had dialogue/updates with the pharmacy association and Apotek 1 throughout the day yesterday, and will also keep in touch throughout the weekend and on Monday, says Romøren.

In Norway, the data problem affected several shops, airlines and Norges Bank.

Air traffic in Norway was not directly affected by the data problems, but problems at several airports around the world still caused consequential delays in Norway.

#challenges #pharmacies #global #chaos
2024-07-20 10:11:55



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