Benefits of fruits for the body

From childhood, we are taught that eating fruits and vegetables is good for our health, that it will help us grow healthy and strong, have a good memory and a host of other wonders..

However, over time, even though people know that they should eat between 3 and 5 portions of fruit a day, this remains just words, and they eat what they can and when they can, ignoring the fact that eating these foods is actually beneficial for health and the proper functioning of the body.

Nutrition experts say that one way to incorporate them is at breakfast, snacks and dinner, creating a contrast of flavors alongside other salty foods, for example.

The fruits

It is essential that Fruits should always be consumed whole, since when consumed in juices some properties are lost.for example, fiber and the feeling of satiety that is perceived when chewing them.

The best thing is to wash the fruit very well and eat it even with the skin, whenever possible.


Eating five to six strawberries a day is enough to cover the recommended daily dose of Vitamin C. Eating them reduces the risk of developing different types of cancer, such as breast and stomach cancer.

It also helps reduce blood pressure, ensuring cardiovascular health.


It is known for its high vitamin C content and is particularly useful for promoting heart health by reducing blood lipids and blood pressure.

Additionally, studies show that the citric acid in lemon juice has the ability to treat kidney stones.


This fruit has the property of refreshing and moisturizing, therefore it even takes care of the skin. It fights free radicals, preventing the appearance of age spots, expression lines and wrinkles; it hydrates and moisturizes the skin.

Watermelon contains a type of amino acid that promotes the dilation of blood vessels, helping to reduce blood pressure, and prevents strokes and heart attacks. It stimulates the immune system and provides energy.


It contains papain, a type of enzyme that improves digestion. Its high amount of digestive enzymes makes it recommended for people with pancreatic disorders and cystic fibrosis, protecting once morest stomach ailments.

In addition, it reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of burns and internal and external wounds.

Among other benefits we can highlight: it strengthens the immune system; protects the kidneys from kidney failure problems; protects the heart, cleans fat from the arteries; eliminates intestinal parasites; has healing properties in cases of jaundice, paleness, diabetes, asthma, cough from the lungs and pulmonary tuberculosis.


Its consumption fights cancer cells and various types of bacterial infections. It also helps metabolize food, which is why it has diuretic properties. It improves defenses and strengthens the immune system; prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases; relieves joint pain and arthritis; regulates intestinal functions, even has a laxative effect and reduces intestinal inflammation; prevents fluid retention, and is used in anti-cellulite treatments; promotes the absorption of iron in the body; helps treat bronchitis and sinusitis.


Mango contains vitamin C, soluble fiber, and also antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes and cancer. It also takes care of your eyesight, prevents anemia, and improves memory.


Avocado is a low-calorie fruit and is composed mainly of healthy fats and potassium.

Most of the fat in avocado is oleic acid, a fat linked to reduced inflammation and heart health.

Adequate consumption of this fruit helps reduce blood pressure and prevent strokes.

Reasons to eat fruits

– Antioxidants in fruits prevent premature aging of cells, allowing you to have cleaner, younger, softer and healthier skin, as well as improving your quality of life.

– They are a source of water, vitamins, minerals and fibers that promote the health of the body.

– Eating them daily helps prevent various diseases such as cardiovascular problems, digestive disorders, some types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, and prevents overweight and obesity.

– They are low in calories and fat.

– They help regulate intestinal transit and prevent constipation.

– They are a source of vitamins, the most common being: A, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C and K.

#Benefits #fruits #body
2024-07-20 09:05:55



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