Boateng after verdict: “I am relieved that this nightmare that has lasted for years is now over”

In the lengthy court drama surrounding the allegations of domestic violence once morest LASK newcomer Jerome Boateng, a verdict was reached today at the Munich I Regional Court: The 35-year-old was found guilty of intentional bodily harm by Judge Susanne Hemmerich and was given a warning.

Boateng also received a fine of 200,000 euros. However, the fine (40 daily rates of 5,000 euros each) is conditional. Boateng only has to pay the fine if he does something wrong. The 35-year-old football star got off lightly. The public prosecutor’s office originally demanded a fine of 1.12 million euros.

“I am infinitely relieved that this nightmare that has lasted for years is now over. This is especially important for my children. Now I want to concentrate on my family and football,” said the LASK player in an initial statement.

NEOS criticizes LASK

The NEOS have also commented on the verdict: “A football club has an enormous role model function, especially for children and young people,” said party chairman and state spokesman Felix Eypeltauer: “The way LASK has dealt with the serious allegations once morest Jerome Boateng so far is in stark contrast to the clear stance of other clubs and does not do justice to the responsibility of this important club.”

And further: “LASK now needs to take an unequivocal stance once morest male violence once morest women. LASK itself must think carefully regarding whether it wants to have a convicted violent offender in its own ranks.”

Incident during Caribbean vacation

Boateng was accused of attacking his former partner Shirin S., mother of their twin daughters, during a Caribbean vacation in 2018. The former German team player threw a lantern and a cooler bag at his ex-girlfriend, spat on her, pulled her hair, hit her in the face and bit her in the head.

The woman suffered bruises and abrasions and cut herself on the shards of the light. The 2014 world champion also threatened that their children would be sent to a home if the woman reported the incidents.


Comment on the Boateng verdict: It is not over yet

Alexander Zambarloukos

Guilty, but no previous convictions: Whether the LASK professional deserves a second chance depends on the outcome of the investigation in the Kasia case…

by Alexander Zambarloukos

Comment on the Boateng verdict: It is not over yet

“Toxic relationship”

In her reasoning for the verdict, Judge Hemmerich spoke of a “toxic relationship” between Boateng and Shirin S. “I want, and I wanted that from the beginning, that the two girls get some peace.” However, the footballer is not a notorious wife beater.

Boateng has no previous convictions following the verdict. The probation period is one year because the proceedings have already lasted six years. The defendant is also required to donate 50,000 euros to an organization that supports young people and families within three months and a further 50,000 euros to an organization that supports a Berlin hospital within six months. “In my opinion, the only people who suffered in the proceedings were the children,” said the judge, explaining that no organization supporting women was chosen.

Leonard Walischewski, Jerome Boateng’s defense attorney, stated at the end of the trial: “Today, following almost six years, Mr. Boateng has finally received justice. I agree with the words of the presiding judge: Rarely has a defendant been put through the mill of justice for so long and been so massively prejudged by the media. This behavior, particularly by the co-plaintiff, but also by the public prosecutor and some media, has led to extreme strains in the private lives of Mr. Boateng and his children. In addition, there is enormous economic damage.”

The verdict corresponds to the usual sentence and is appropriate. Walischewski continued: “We now assume that the public prosecutor’s office will keep its word and immediately close the investigation into the Lenhardt case. It became very clear during the trial that the wild accusations that Mr. Boateng beats women are baseless and therefore completely untrue.”

Carolin Lüdtke, Boateng’s ex’s lawyer, also expressed her satisfaction with the verdict in an interview with the German newspaper “Bild”: “The court has established domestic violence. That will not happen once more now. That was all we were concerned regarding.

Since the right to appeal was waived, the judge closed the case. “That means the matter is settled.” After six years.

“Will play football with us”

The 35-year-old had already been sentenced to a fine of 1.8 million euros by the Munich District Court in 2021, and in the second instance the Munich I Regional Court then imposed a fine of 1.2 million euros for bodily harm and insult. The Bavarian Supreme Regional Court then overturned the verdict due to legal errors.

At the end of May, Germany’s former world champion surprisingly signed with Bundesliga football club LASK. Even before the verdict was announced, managing director Siegmund Gruber made it clear that the 35-year-old would continue to play for the athletes even if he was convicted. “As long as the court does not impose a sentence that prevents Mr. Boateng from practicing his profession, he will play football for us and pursue his profession. We will not change that,” said the club boss in an interview with OÖN.

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Raphael Watzinger

Editor Sports

Raphael Watzinger

Raphael Watzinger


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