In the plenary session of the Parliament the temporary solidarity contribution for the surplus profits of 2023 – 2024-07-20 02:00:30

With the positions of the rapporteurs and special buyers of the parties, the discussion and voting of the draft law of the Ministry of Development “Incorporation of Article 1 of Directive (EU) 2019/1151 in the part concerning disqualified directors and other urgent provisions” began.

The bill is introduced following the positive vote it received during its processing in the Production and Trade Committee by the ND. On the contrary, KKE and NIKI voted once morest the draft law, while the rest of the opposition parties reserved their position during today’s debate in the Plenary.

In the draft law last night, a ministerial amendment was submitted with provisions concerning the Temporary Solidarity Contribution to the businesses of article 14 of the EU Regulation 2022/1854 based on the surplus tax profits of the year 2023, the extension of secondments to the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, the listing possibility of payment via card to specific Activity Numbers – Addition of par. 9a and 9b to article 66 of Law 4446/2016 and a provision for the granting of financial aid to “SKY EXPRESS SA”.

At the same time, two parliamentary amendments have been submitted. One from ND Member of Parliament Yiannis Oikonomou, regarding the provisions of the new body of the Panhellenic Exhibition of Lamia for the transfer of debts and claims burdened by the old body. The second amendment has been filed by 26 PASOK MPs regarding the Recognition of Prior Service of Researchers and Special Scientific Officers – Amendment of par. 4 of article 133 of Law 4472/2017.

As far as the bill is concerned, the Minister of Development Takis Theodorikakos, at the end of its second reading in the Production and Trade Committee, signed and submitted for the information of the parties the legislative improvements that he will submit today to the Plenary in accordance with the proposals made by the parliamentary processing of the draft law. In particular, the sanctions that will be imposed on companies and natural persons for collective decisions taken with the participation of a person excluded from the position of director are differentiated.

The amount of the fine imposed on the disqualified director will range from 20,000 to 500,000 euros, while the fine imposed on the company will be from 50,000 to 1 million euros. Regarding the new body of the Panhellenic Exhibition of Lamia and the old debts coming from the “old” PEL, it is foreseen: The debts to the public and the insurance funds can be settled in two to three years. A chartered accountant is appointed where, over a period of 9 months, he will record all the old claims that exist, while for this period the legal possibility of forced execution will be excluded in order to avoid any negative developments.

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