Sexism scandal: Sharp criticism of Harald Vilimsky

“Such statements have no place in a democratic society and are absolutely unacceptable,” stressed Minister for Women Susanne Raab (ÖVP) on Thursday. The SPÖ demanded “immediate consequences,” the Greens accused Vilimsky of being “afraid of strong women,” and NEOS called him a “puny sausage.”

“Harald Vilimsky’s statements are not only offensive and misogynistic, but also glorify violence once morest women,” Raab stressed in a statement sent to the APA. Vilimsky made sexist comments and violent fantasies regarding Roberta Metsola, Ursula von der Leyen and Christine Lagarde in a press conference in Strasbourg on Wednesday.


For the head of the ÖVP delegation in the European Parliament, Reinhold Lopatka, Vilimsky’s statements are “unacceptable”. “He should actually resign immediately of his own accord,” said Lopatka. ÖVP women’s leader Juliane Bogner-Strauß also described Vilimsky’s statements as “inexcusable”. “FPÖ leader Kickl must react decisively here and all female FPÖ MPs should protest loudly,” stressed the former women’s minister.

“I am shocked and appalled,” said SPÖ deputy leader Eva-Maria Holzleitner in a press release regarding Vilimsky’s statements. “Statements like these are reminiscent of the Dark Ages and are unworthy of a democratic discussion,” stressed the SPÖ women’s leader. “I expect an immediate apology and a distancing of the FPÖ from these statements.” FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl should draw “immediate consequences.”

“Harald Vilimsky is a sexist who is afraid of strong women”

“Harald Vilimsky is a sexist who is afraid of strong women,” said the Green Party’s vice-chair Meri Disoski. She accused the winner of the European elections in Austria of trivializing violence once morest women. “The FPÖ is thus once once more contributing to the normalization of misogyny and violence. This is completely unacceptable. An apology from Vilimsky would be the least it might do. But it is to be expected that the FPÖ will continue to unashamedly live out its contempt for women and its brutal sexism,” said the Green Party’s women’s chairwoman.

Henrike Brandstötter, women’s spokesperson for the NEOS, spoke out. “Vilimsky is a sexist and a puny little sausage. Thank you for your attention,” the National Council member wrote on X on Thursday.

The chairwoman of the Austrian Women’s Ring, Klaudia Frieben, also criticized Vilimsky’s statements as an “unbelievable slip-up.” “If Mr. Vilimsky does not know how to treat strong women in politics with respect, he has a massive problem. Politicians who openly display contempt for women and misogyny have no place in politics,” the SPÖ trade unionist demanded an “immediate” apology from both Vilimsky and his party.


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