Weather: The 42s persist, when will it cool down, the forecast for Patras – 2024-07-19 21:57:57

Very high temperatures (maximum values ​​above 40 degrees Celsius) will be maintained in our country until Sunday (21/7).

From the beginning of next week there will be slight drop in temperatureboth at its maximum and minimum prices in most of the country and only locally, in the central and southern mainland will be maintained at high levels.

See HERE the weather forecast for Patras

In the update of the Emergency Weather Deterioration Bulletin, it is noted that:

B. the minimum temperatures will also be maintained at high levels, which will range in most urban areas around 29 to 30 degrees Celsius.

More detail:

Today is Friday the maximum temperature is forecast to reach:

a. in the northern continental areas 38 to 39 degrees and in the rest of the continental areas 40 to 42 degrees Celsius.

b. in the Ionian Islands, the Eastern Aegean Islands, the Dodecanese and southern Crete, 37 to 40 degrees Celsius.

c. in the rest of their island country 35 to 37 degrees Celsius.

d. in Attica and the prefecture of Thessaloniki, 38 to 39 degrees Celsius.

After noon and mainly in the followingnoon hours in the northern country, isolated storms will occur.

Detailed weather forecast from EMY by regions


Weather: Generally clear with temporary clouds in western and central Macedonia in the early morning with local showers and isolated thunderstorms and gradually clear. In the midday and followingnoon hours, clouds will develop and local rains will occur and mainly isolated storms in the mountains.
Winds: Variable 3 to 4 and in the east northeast to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 26 to 38 to 39 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia it will be 2 to 3 degrees lower.

Weather: Generally clear with temporary clouds in the midday and followingnoon hours when there will be local showers or isolated storms in the highlands of Epirus.
Winds: From north directions 3 to 4 and from midday hours in the Ionian 4 to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 27 to 40 and in places on the mainland up to 41 to 42 degrees Celsius. In Epirus it will be 3 to 4 degrees lower.

Weather: Clear with a few local clouds in the midday and followingnoon hours in the mountains.
Winds: Northerly 4 to 5, easterly local 6 and gradually up to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 27 to 41 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Clear.
Winds: From north directions 4 to 6 and in the Cyclades locally 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 26 to 35 to 37 and in southern Crete up to 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Generally clear.
Winds: From north directions 4 to 5 and on the islands of the eastern Aegean 6 and locally 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 28 to 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Generally clear with temporary clouds in the midday and followingnoon hours, so there is a possibility of localized rain or isolated thunderstorms in the mountains.
Winds: Variable 3 to 4 and in the Sporades from north directions 4 to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 26 to 41 degrees Celsius and in the Sporades up to 36 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Clear.
Winds: North northeast 4 to 5 and in the east 6 and gradually local to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 29 to 38 to 39 degrees Celsius. In the east, the maximum will be 2 to 3 degrees lower.

Weather: Partly cloudy with local showers and isolated thunderstorms and gradually generally clear. Clouds will develop once more in the midday and followingnoon hours and there will be local showers or isolated storms mainly in the surrounding mountains.
Winds: North-northwesterly 3 to 4 Beaufort and temporarily southerly at noon and followingnoon with the same intensity.
Temperature: From 27 to 38 degrees Celsius.

The forecast for the weekend

Tomorrow Saturday (20/7) from midday isolated storms will occur in the northern country and the temperature is forecast to reach:

a. in the northern continental areas 37 to 39 degrees and in the rest of the continental areas 40 and locally in the western continental areas 41 degrees Celsius.

b. in the Ionian Islands, the Eastern Aegean Islands, the Dodecanese and southern Crete, 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.

c. in the rest of their island country 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.

d. in Attica 39 and possibly 40 degrees and in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki 38 to 39 degrees Celsius.

On Sunday (21/7) the temperature will have a maximum value in the continental 37 to 39 and locally in the central and southern 40 to 41 degrees Celsius.

#Weather #42s #persist #cool #forecast #Patras



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