Debunking 3 Major Myths About Chocolate

Debunking 3 Major Myths About Chocolate

Speaking to, the expert described the idea that chocolate causes headaches in people who are not predisposed to it as a “myth”. She stressed that eating it in moderation can in some cases relieve headaches, because it helps produce the happiness hormone – serotonin.

According to her, dark chocolate contains a high percentage of tryptophan, which is used to synthesize the happiness hormone. Eating a few pieces of chocolate helps improve mood, relieve anxiety and fatigue, improve attention and concentration, improve sleep quality and even control appetite.

The expert points out that, contrary to popular belief, chocolate does not cause weight gain and obesity. A small amount of high-quality chocolate can be a great treat for people watching their weight, as it helps reduce the desire to eat sweets and maintain a balanced diet. She advises making sure that the chocolate does not contain sugar, milk or other artificial additives – because these substances are difficult to describe as healthy and eating them can actually lead to weight gain.

Finally, the doctor recommends not believing the myth that chocolate damages the skin.
She points out that cocoa beans contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals. In other words, they help improve the condition of the skin, but chocolate should not be consumed in large quantities because it may cause skin allergies.

The expert stresses that eating dark chocolate with a natural composition containing at least 70 percent cocoa, made from high-quality cocoa beans, will only bring health benefits. She recommends eating regarding 20 grams of it daily.


#Debunking #Major #Myths #Chocolate
2024-07-19 21:03:55

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