“A liberation process is coming in Venezuela”

“A liberation process is coming in Venezuela”

Opposition leader María Corina Machado and presidential candidate for the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, attended a mass event held at the headquarters of the Encuentro Ciudadano party in Caracas on Thursday, May 16.

“We are 73 days away from July 28 and we have to look at everything we have done to get to this moment and understand what is happening. There are a lot of people, a lot of emotion,” Machado said during the meeting.

He also spoke regarding the importance of citizenship in this process and indicated that today people are aware of what is happening, so he asked the population to continue with community organization through the commandos in order to continue moving forward despite obstacles.

He said that “there is a clear conscience, we have been overcoming fear, obstacles, threats. My most powerful message for you is to trust the citizens, what is happening is monumental.”

Regarding Edmundo González, he said that he is a man with an impeccable track record, who has won the support of Venezuelans. He also highlighted that his candidacy managed to “raise that enormous hope for change” that Venezuelans feel.

He stressed that the next few days are “more important” because “a liberation process is coming to Venezuela. Rest assured that we are going to win.”

Gonzalez calls for citizen organization

On the other hand, Edmundo González Urrutia called for citizen organization in view of the presidential elections. “Just as the opposition managed to overcome its differences between now and the 28th, we have to be more united and organized than ever (…) Only united and organized will we be able to overcome the obstacles as we have done until now.”

“Let’s not stay in our homes, families, neighbors, friends committed to specific tasks for July 28. We have to cross the bridge from the electoral event to the next day,” said González Urrutia during an event in support of his candidacy for the Encuentro Ciudadano party.

He described Encuentro Ciudadano as a key organization in the unity process and thanked them for their support. “Always committed to the fight for human rights. Thank you Delsa, thank you Encuentro Ciudadano for your support and commitment.”

He explained that “we are at a crucial moment for the country, hope and determination guide us, we are at a turning point that will mark the future of our nation.”

Regarding his proposal, he reiterated that it is focused on the reconciliation of the country and the return of migrants and stressed that “education, health and jobs will be accessible to all. A normal country in which having public services is no longer a holiday (…) We are committed to building an inclusive nation, where all Venezuelans have a place. In this citizen meeting, every dream counts, every voice matters.”

Citizens’ Meeting is “at the service of unity”

For her part, the president of Encuentro Ciudadano, Delsa Solórzano, said that her organization has always been “at the service of unity” and stressed that from the very beginning they assumed their commitment to bring María Corina to the presidency.

“This time, the obstacles put in place by the regime have forced us to continue forward in any way for the freedom of Venezuela,” he said.

He added that the new commitment of all parties, in addition to bringing María Corina Machado to the presidency, is to “return to the people not only hope and courage, but freedom for the entire nation and for our political prisoners.”

“A liberation process is coming in Venezuela”

#liberation #process #coming #Venezuela
2024-07-19 19:20:54



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