Antony Private Hospital: a new unit dedicated to endometriosis!

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects nearly 10% of women worldwide, including 3 million in France.

It is becoming increasingly common and is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, often causing acute pelvic pain during menstrual periods and sexual intercourse. These pains may be accompanied by disabling urinary symptoms, intestinal disorders, and/or infertility problems.

The causes of the disease are multifactorial and can be: genetic (hereditary), immune (associated chronic inflammatory diseases), environmental (endocrine disruptors, pesticides, etc.), or even infectious. “This last factor, however, is still the subject of scientific research,” says Dr. Aristizabal.

To address the high demand from women with endometriosis in the region, the Antony Private Hospital opened last spring a day hospital dedicated to the treatment of this pathology.

“Long misunderstood and poorly diagnosed, endometriosis is now increasingly recognized by the general public and health professionals (gynecologists, midwives, general practitioners). The opening of this Day Hospital aims to offer women suffering from this pathology rapid and local care to help them relieve their pain,” explains the specialist.

A structured care pathway

This Day Hospital is intended for women suffering from moderate or severe endometriosis referred by their local radiologist or their GP. It can accommodate between 4 and 6 patients per half-day (two Thursdays out of three) from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., or nearly a dozen women per month. Each patient benefits from:

  • a Pelvic MRI upon arrival;
  • an individual consultation with a dietician;
  • a discussion session with a pain nurse – whose objective is to provide the necessary tools to help manage pain on a daily basis;
  • an appointment with a sophrologist midwife.

At the end of the morning, the gynecologist receives the patient for a consultation to provide her with the MRI results and agree on an appropriate treatment with her.

“To complete our support, and to be able to offer comprehensive care, we would like to add a pain doctor and a psychologist to the care pathway in the coming months,” adds Dr. Aristizabal.

Innovative treatments with major benefits

The Antony Private Hospital is a multidisciplinary establishment recognized for over 10 years for its excellent expertise in several specialties, including gynecology. Very involved in innovation and cutting-edge technologies, the establishment is equipped with the latest Da Vinci robot used in advanced gynecological surgery, and in particular for endometriosis surgery. This latest generation technology brings real benefits to patients: less pain, less recurrence, and a faster recovery.

“There is also a saliva test developed by the French startup Ziwig capable of providing a rapid diagnosis of the disease (in one week). Extremely reliable, it will normally be accessible in France by 2025 on medical prescription, and will allow women to be tested early and therefore benefit from rapid treatment of the disease. Even today, it takes a woman an average of 7 years to be diagnosed. This is unfortunately far too long, but many initiatives, including the opening of our Day Hospital, aim to shorten these screening and medical wandering times,” concludes the gynecologist.

Endometriosis: A Dedicated Day Hospital Opens in Antony for Comprehensive Care

Endometriosis, a chronic inflammatory disease affecting nearly 10% of women worldwide, including 3 million in France, is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. This often leads to acute pelvic pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse, and may be accompanied by disabling urinary symptoms, intestinal disorders, and infertility problems.

Understanding the Causes of Endometriosis

The causes of endometriosis are multifaceted and may include:

  • Genetic predisposition: Hereditary factors play a role in developing endometriosis.
  • Immune system dysfunction: Endometriosis is linked to chronic inflammatory diseases affecting the immune system.
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to endocrine disruptors, pesticides, and other environmental toxins may contribute to its development.
  • Infectious agents: While still under scientific investigation, infectious factors are considered a potential cause.

Antony Private Hospital Launches a Dedicated Day Hospital for Endometriosis

To address the growing needs of women with endometriosis in the region, the Antony Private Hospital has opened a dedicated day hospital focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

“Historically misunderstood and underdiagnosed, endometriosis is now gaining recognition among the general public and health professionals,” explains Dr. Aristizabal, a specialist at the hospital. “This Day Hospital aims to provide women suffering from this pathology with prompt and localized care to alleviate their pain.”

A Structured Care Pathway for Comprehensive Management

The Day Hospital is designed for women with moderate to severe endometriosis, referred by their local radiologist or general practitioner. It operates two Thursdays out of three, accommodating 4 to 6 patients per half-day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., treating approximately a dozen women monthly. Each patient benefits from a structured care pathway that includes:

  • Pelvic MRI upon arrival to assess the extent and location of endometriosis.
  • Individual consultation with a dietician to provide personalized dietary advice for managing endometriosis symptoms.
  • Discussion session with a pain nurse to equip patients with techniques and strategies for managing pain on a daily basis.
  • Appointment with a sophrologist midwife to explore relaxation techniques and stress management tools.

At the end of the morning, a gynecologist meets with the patient to discuss the MRI results, formulate a treatment plan, and answer any questions.

“To enhance our support and offer comprehensive care, we are planning to integrate a pain doctor and a psychologist into the care pathway in the coming months,” adds Dr. Aristizabal.

Innovative Treatments and Advancements

Antony Private Hospital, renowned for its expertise in various specialties including gynecology, is committed to innovation and cutting-edge technology. The hospital is equipped with the latest **da Vinci robot** for advanced gynecological surgery, particularly for endometriosis surgery. This technology offers significant benefits to patients, including:

  • Reduced pain following surgery.
  • Lower recurrence rates of endometriosis.
  • Faster recovery times for patients.

Another exciting development is the **saliva test** created by the French startup Ziwig, which rapidly diagnoses endometriosis within a week. This highly reliable test is anticipated to be available in France by 2025 through medical prescription, allowing for earlier diagnosis and timely treatment.

“Currently, it takes women an average of 7 years to be diagnosed with endometriosis,” Dr. Aristizabal says. “This is far too long, but initiatives like the opening of our Day Hospital aim to shorten these screening and medical wandering times.”



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