Ten questions about updating military registration data: answered by the General Staff – ArmiyaInform

You will read it in: 2 min. July 16, 2024, 12:03 p.m

The representative of the Central Legal Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Iryna Garbuz, answered the most popular questions regarding updating military registration data.

1. What sanctions will be applied to those who have not updated their data?

According to the changes, which were adopted in May 2024, all conscripts, reservists and conscripts must update their military registration data by July 16, 2024. This can be done through TCC and JV, TsNAP or in the Reserve+ application. Citizens who have not had time to update their military registration data may be held administratively liable.

2. Will everyone be automatically fined for not updating data on time?

Fines will not be issued automatically, because according to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the imposition of a fine is foreseen within three months from the date of detection of the offense, but no more than one year from the date of commission of such offense.

3. Who will issue a fine, how many fines can a person receive for one offense — late updating of data?

One fine is imposed for one violation. The authority to bring administrative responsibility for non-updating military registration data has been granted to the TCC and SP. Namely, the authorized person of the TCC and JV will draw up administrative protocols, collect case materials and submit them for consideration to the head of the TCC and JV, who will make a decision on bringing the person to administrative responsibility.

4. What is the procedure for challenging fines in court? When challenging the fine in court, can they issue another fine for not updating the data?

All citizens who do not agree with the imposed penalty have the right to apply to the court to appeal the resolution on administrative liability. It is necessary to do this within ten days from the date of issuing the decision on prosecution. During a court case for failure to update military registration data, a person cannot be prosecuted once more.

5. What will be the amount of the fine?

The amount of the fine is stipulated in Article 210 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative violations. A fine of 17,000 hryvnias is provided for committing an administrative offense for the first time, and 25,500 hryvnias for a second offense within a year.

6. Is seizure of accounts, seizure of property provided for by law?

If the citizen does not pay the fine, the case may be transferred to the state executive service. In this case, the debtor’s property or accounts may be seized.

7. Can there be a fine if I updated my contact information but did not pass the VLK?

Updating military registration data does not automatically mean the need to pass a military medical board. Separate summonses will be sent to citizens to pass the military medical commission.

8. How can conscripts abroad update their data?

Conscripts who are abroad can update their data through the Reserve+ application or contact consular offices.

9. Will “Ukrposhta” send summonses?

In accordance with the adopted changes in the legislation, following July 16, it is possible to send summonses by Ukrposhta. Summonses will be sent to those addresses that were specified when updating military registration data.

10. What will change following July 16 for those who have updated their data and those who have not?

Citizens who have updated their military registration data before July 16 may be sent summonses to pass a military medical commission. Those citizens who did not have time to update their military registration data may be subject to fines and temporary restrictions on the right to use vehicles.

ArmyInform reminds that it is better not to violate the law, but to use the aggregator of vacancies in the Armed Forces or recruiting centers.



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