Michał Tusk was promoted after 3 months. What position did the prime minister’s son take?

According to information obtained by trojmiasto.pl, Michał Tusk has been promoted to the position of deputy director of the infrastructure department for transport development and integration at the Marshal’s Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

As we have already written in Interia, Michał Tusk started work at the beginning of April as the chief specialist in the infrastructure department of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Marshal’s Office. – Usually, a competition is announced, candidates come to the office, we have two stages of interviews – Michał Piotrowski, the office’s spokesman, told Interia at the time.

As reported by the trojmiasto.pl portal, Eugeniusz Manikowski has ceased to hold the position of deputy director of the infrastructure department for transport, because he has become the temporary president of the PKP SKM Trójmiasto company. His place was taken by Jakub Cichosz, and changes were made in the institution itself, creating new deputy positions, including the deputy director of the infrastructure department for transport development and integration. Michał Tusk has taken this position.

In addition, we also distinguish the deputy director of the department for infrastructure projects and the deputy director of the department for roads.

Michał Piotrowski, the spokesman for the marshal, told the portal that “the infrastructure department is consistently developing its structures dedicated to public transport”. – For this purpose, in 2023, the Department of Transport Systems Development was established, initially reporting to the director of the department – said Michał Piotrowski.

– In order to streamline the structure and give the development of public transport issues an appropriate rank, in February this year the position of deputy director for transport development and integration was created, supervising, among others, the above-mentioned department – added the spokesman.



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