The crash of flight MH17, 10 years later: the explosion, the investigation, the trial, chronology of events

On July 17, 2014, exactly 10 years ago, a plane took off from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, headed for Kuala Lumpur. A few hours later, it was shot down over a now well-known region: Donbass, in eastern Ukraine, where war was already raging. Flight MH17, operated by Malaysia Airlines, made history. All 298 people on board were killed.

This Wednesday, hundreds of relatives, representatives of the Dutch government and dignitaries are expected at a memorial site near Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, where 298 have been planted. In their hearts, grief, in their heads, probably, questions, the main one being: who is responsible?

Dutch courts sentenced three men to life in prison in 2022 for their roles in the tragedy, including two Russians, but Moscow has consistently refused to extradite any suspects. And last year, international investigators suspended their investigations, saying there was insufficient evidence to pursue more suspects.

A look back at this deadly theft, a chronology of the events and the investigation.



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