A 13-year-old boy was attacked by regarding ten people, led by his classmate from the same school, in the area of Kourouta last Monday night.
The 13-year-old from Andravida, according to what was reported, was at a relative’s business, but it seems that the attackers had set up a cartel for him there, having already watched his movements since the previous days. From their attack, the student was spared the worst by the intervention of one of the hitherto unknown participants in the incident, following he asked them to stop, as they did, to then disappear in the narrow streets of Kouroutas when the Police were called to the scene
However, from the blows he had already received, the 13-year-old was injured in various parts of his body such as the spine, neck and jaw and was taken by his relatives to the Pyrgos Hospital and then to the Karamandane Children’s Hospital in Patras and then to the Hospital of Rio.
The victim became… the perpetrator and “protagonist” of a mass attack
The 13-year-old had remained uninvolved and was on the side of the children who were watching the episode without interfering in it. The father of the 13-year-old together with his son proceeded to report the incident to the authorities, as a result of which the mother of the alleged “protagonist” was arrested in the process of self-immolation.
The public prosecutor to whom the mother was taken yesterday ordered a preliminary examination since the forensic examination has not yet been released. Witnesses will be called for an apology, the evidence that will be collected will be examined, as well as the results of the forensic examination, and accordingly a criminal prosecution will be instituted depending on the degree of severity of the injuries suffered by the child from the attack.
In “P’s” communication with the 13-year-old’s father, he “denounced” the incident and what the child’s parents had previously done in the first episode last February, characterizing them as “moral perpetrators” of this new attack. In fact, he noted that of the approximately ten people who carried out the attack, according to testimonies, some of them were filming videos.
In closing, the father of the 13-year-old speaks of a pre-planned incident. “They had planned all of this and were timing it to find the child alone, beat him and take a video of him,” he concluded.
Source: patrisnews.gr
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