Man tied up and transported in a trunk returning from the Ardentes festival

A disturbing incident took place at the Ardentes festival. A festival-goer was abducted on his way to his car at the festival exit. The victim was tied up, taken away in the trunk of a car, and later released unharmed.

According to the Liège prosecutor’s office, the incident occurred on July 14th, during the early hours of the morning at approximately 4:00 a.m. A 28-year-old man was attacked while retrieving his vehicle. The victim was allegedly stopped by three individuals in a car and taken away, bound, hooded, and placed in the trunk of the vehicle.

The attackers stole the victim’s bank card, wallet, phone, and car keys, attempting to use the card for unauthorized withdrawals. The victim was then released in a wooded area in Seraing.

As of Thursday followingnoon, the suspects remained unidentified. An investigation is ongoing, with multiple files opened to gather information.

Read also

Death of a 2-year-old boy in Welkenraedt: his father, in confession, placed under arrest warrant for the murder of his son

Liège festival the ardents

: Understanding HTML’s Essential Element

In the world of web development, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the backbone of every webpage. Among its numerous tags, the `

` element stands out as a fundamental building block, offering immense flexibility and control over webpage structure. And when combined with an “id” attribute, the `

` element becomes a powerful tool for targeting specific sections of a webpage for styling, scripting, and navigation.

The Power of

The `

` tag, short for “division,” acts as a container element. It allows you to group related content within a webpage and apply styles or scripts to the entire group. Its versatility makes it ideal for organizing content logically and ensuring a well-structured webpage. You can think of it as a virtual box within your HTML document, allowing you to compartmentalize your elements and make your code more organized and manageable.

Understanding “id”

The “id” attribute is an essential part of the `

` element. It’s a unique identifier that distinguishes a specific

from other

elements on the page. This uniqueness means you can precisely target and manipulate that particular

using CSS for styling or JavaScript for dynamic behavior.

Imagine your webpage as a bustling city. Each `

` acts like a different building, and “id” is the personalized address that helps you find a specific building within the city. Without unique IDs, it would be like trying to find a specific building in a sprawling city with identical structures – impossible!

Benefits of Using

The combination of the `

` element and the “id” attribute provides numerous benefits for web developers:

  • **Content Organization:** `
    ` elements offer a structured way to group related content, improving code readability and maintainability.
  • **Targeted Styling:** With “id,” you can apply specific CSS styles to individual sections, allowing for precise customization of the webpage’s appearance.
  • **Efficient Scripting:** JavaScript code can use “id” to identify and manipulate specific HTML elements. This enables interactive features like animations, form submissions, and dynamic content updates.
  • **Enhanced Accessibility:** Meaningful “id” attributes help screen readers and assistive technologies navigate webpages effectively. This ensures content accessibility for people with disabilities.

Practical Tips for Using

To make the most of the `

` element, follow these helpful tips:

  • **Descriptive IDs:** Choose meaningful “id” values that clearly indicate the purpose of the
    element. Use lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens to create descriptive and understandable IDs.
  • **Avoid Duplicates:** Each “id” on a webpage should be unique. Duplicate “id” values can lead to unpredictable behavior and errors.
  • **Use Classes for Shared Styles:** If multiple
    s need the same style, use CSS classes instead of individual “id” attributes. This promotes reusability and reduces code repetition.
  • **Test Thoroughly:** Always test your webpage to ensure that styles and scripts work correctly with the `
    ` element.

Case Studies:

in Action

Let’s explore practical examples of how `

` elements are used in web development:

1. Content Sections

Using `

` is a common practice for creating distinct content sections on a webpage. Here’s a simplified example:

<div id="regarding-us">
    <h2>About Us</h2>
    <p>This is our regarding-us section.</p>

<div id="services">
    <h2>Our Services</h2>
    <p>This is our services section.</p>


has a unique “id” and contains related content. This structure allows you to easily style or script each section independently.

2. Navigation Menus


` elements can be used to define navigation menus and ensure smooth navigation through a webpage. Imagine a dropdown menu:

<div id="navigation-menu">
    <!-- Navigation menu content here -->

By targeting this

with CSS and JavaScript, you can create dynamic dropdown menus that respond to user interactions.

3. Form Elements

Forms often benefit from `

` elements to organize and control form fields. Consider a contact form:

<form id="contact-form">
    <div id="name-field">
        <label for="name">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name">
    <div id="email-field">
        <label for="email">Email:</label>
        <input type="email" id="email" name="email">
    <!-- More form fields -->

Each field is nicely organized within a

, allowing for easy styling of individual fields and validation with JavaScript.


The `

` element is an indispensable part of web development, allowing for better content organization, precise styling, and seamless interaction with JavaScript. By understanding its benefits and best practices, you can effectively utilize this essential HTML element to build engaging and user-friendly webpages.



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