Jordan Slams Israeli Parliament Over Rejection of Palestinian State – 2024-07-19 03:08:47

Illustration of a demonstration supporting Palestine. (AFP)

JORDAN’S Foreign Ministry has condemned the Knesset’s (Israeli parliament) approval of a draft resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Through a statement, the ministry emphasized that this step constitutes a new and serious violation of international law and is a challenge for the international community going forward.

Ministry spokesman Sufyan Al-Qudah said on Thursday (18/7) that all decisions and steps taken by the Israeli occupation are illegitimate and must be canceled and do not change the reality and reality of their occupation of the Palestinian territories.

It also does not affect the continued application of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 concerning the protection of civilians in time of war.

Al-Qudah further stressed that Israel’s intense efforts to deny the Palestinian people’s right to an independent and sovereign state based on the borders of June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital, do not bring security and peace to the region.

Effective international action is needed to prevent such actions and stop Israel’s ongoing war once morest Palestine.

Read also: World Pressure on Israel Increases, After Rafah Massacre

Al-Qudah also called for the need to stop Israel’s war crimes in the Gaza Strip, the latest of which is the continued targeting of civilians seeking shelter in UNRWA schools and shelter centers.

Meanwhile, Palestinian Authority official Hussein al-Sheikh said the Knesset’s rejection of Palestinian independence confirms Israel’s disregard for international law and international legitimacy.

The rejection is also a form of their stubbornness to perpetuate the occupation forever. (Ant/Aljazeera/P-5)

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