Rice Import Realization Has Reached 2.2 Million Tons – 2024-07-19 03:05:52

Officers sift rice at the Perum Bulog warehouse. (Antara)

Acting Secretary of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Sarwo Edhy revealed that the realization of imported rice for the period January to May 2024 reached 2.2 million tons.

Thus, the remaining import plan for June to December 2024 is still around 2.1 million tons. However, he emphasized that the absorption of domestic production will always be prioritized in efforts to provide national food stocks.

“Of course, the realization of this import is adjusted to the domestic production situation. This means that if it can be fulfilled from domestic production, we will not import,” explained Sarwo on the sidelines of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Building a More Adaptive and Effective Subsidized Fertilizer Policy System to Maintain National Food Security held in Jakarta, Wednesday (17/7).

Sarwo Bapanas continues to strive to compile a national food balance by involving related ministries, namely the Ministry of Agriculture, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Bappenas, the Central Statistics Agency and other related agencies. The goal is to ensure that the food needs of more than 270 million Indonesians can be met.

“From the results of the preparation of the food balance, especially rice, it was found that the initial stock was 4.1 million tons and the estimated domestic production was 31.5 million tons. This figure of 31.5 million tons is the estimated domestic production, if not affected by floods, not affected by drought, not affected by pests and diseases,” he explained.

Sarwo said that the total availability of rice until December 2024 is estimated to reach around 39.8 million tons. He said that figure might be achieved if the realization of imported rice might reach around 4.3 million tons accumulated with the initial rice of 4.1 million tons and domestic production estimated at 31.5 million.

Meanwhile, the need for rice consumption for the Indonesian people in one year is recorded at around 31.2 million tons, while the need per month is around 2.6 million tons. (Ant/Z-11)

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