“Official government data say that there are families who skip meals for a meal, the household survey reflects an increase in the number of extremely poor” 2024-07-18 23:07:03

This Wednesday, in an interview with Julio Villagrán, economist Rafael Lemus highlighted that official data from the Central Reserve Bank’s multipurpose household survey reflects an increase in extreme poverty, with at least 300,000 people having fallen into poverty in recent years.

“This increase in the number of poor people has occurred in the last five years and is accompanied by an increase in debt of more than 10 billion dollars. It is inexplicable how, with an increase like this, they might not do anything for the people in extreme poverty; they might not even create a program for them.” Lemus emphasized

In this regard, Lemus said that people who earn the minimum wage are in poverty because they are unable to cover the basic food basket with their income.

“The current minimum wage is below the poverty line, the minimum wage is 360, the basic basket costs 256, that means it is above extreme poverty, the poverty line is twice the basic basket which is almost 500”, explains the economist.

On the subject of electricity, the economist mentioned that according to President Nayib Bukele, the dam “The Chaparral” The electricity tariff was going to be lowered by 5%, even though a 9% increase had been announced, which might be translated into business owners selling at a low cost.

“Businessmen had to sell below their costs that quarter, energy rates are adjusted quarterly, the following quarter, which is the one we are in, the rates went up” Rafael Lemus said

Finally, Lemus commented that currently the government has not taken care of the interests of Salvadorans and has only focused on its macro expansion issues.

“The government has been very effective in advertising and LED lights, but very little in matters of social progress for people such as the improvement of poverty, health advances and health advances, the only thing we have is regression” the economist questioned.

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