City of Rzeszow – News – Rzeszow is one of the happiest cities on Earth. Better than Hamburg, Florence or Vancouver

The ranking of the happiest cities in the world, prepared by the British Institute for Quality Life, includes six Polish cities. Among them is Rzeszów, which has overtaken Katowice, Warsaw and Wrocław.

– Experts from the London Institute for Quality of Life have published this year’s ranking of the happiest cities in the world. This year, six cities from different parts of Poland made it to the 250-position list of cities from all over the world – including one in a quite high position – we read in the article “The Happiest Cities in the World: Polish Metropolis in the Top 100” in the pages of “Rzeczpospolita”.

The list compiled by the researchers includes 250 cities from all over the world. The authors focused on summarizing 24 factors, such as the way the city is governed, the opinion of its residents, and economic development and infrastructure.

Rzeszow among the happiest cities in the world. Ahead of Warsaw and Wrocław

Six Polish cities appeared in the entire ranking. Gdynia came in highest, in 97th place. Gdańsk took Polish silver, in 120th place on the entire list. Rzeszów took bronze: 147th position in the ranking.

– Our city has been rated excellently in areas such as “environment”, “citizens” and “economy”, which I am very proud of. In recent years, we have managed to invite several large, including global, companies to settle in Rzeszów, launch important road and educational investments, and undertake a number of activities related to the climate. I also know that we still have a lot to do in many areas, but such rankings show that we are on a very good path – says Konrad Fijołek, the mayor of Rzeszów.

Rzeszów was followed by two more Polish cities: Katowice (177th place), Warsaw (202nd place) and Wrocław (235th place). Lower than Rzeszów were also cities such as Frankfurt and Hamburg in Germany, Cambridge in the UK, Verona and Florence in Italy and Vancouver and Montreal in Canada. The entire ranking can be checked HERE.



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